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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Admission Essay
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Admission Essay-Masters of Science in Nursing (Admission Essay Sample)

You are applying to enter a nursing graduate program with a specialty track for Family Nurse Practitioner. To complete the application, you must submit an admission essay. Your application packet will be evaluated by members of the Admission Committee, including the Dean of Nursing, a Nursing Faculty member from each specialty track, and the Director of Graduate Admissions. Instructions Requirements for the admission essay: • Briefly identify the specialty track you want to pursue. • Describe why you believe you are the best candidate for the specialty track you chose. • Demonstrate a scholarly voice in the written context including the correct diction and syntax appropriate for the audience. • Support your ideas with personal and professional examples • State your ideas with professional language • Length no more than 500 words. source..
Admission Essay Student’s Name Institutional Affiliations Admission Essay My motivation to pursue a Master’s of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree with a specialization in Family Nursing Practice was driven by my passion to work closely with individuals and families to help address their health needs. Many families today are struggling with the huge economic burden of caring for loved ones with chronic illnesses. Besides, a good number of patients are still unable to access healthcare services due to a lack of health insurance. I believe that such problems can best be addressed through the development and implementation of policies that are aimed at improving people’s health. Nurses who complete an MSN degree with a specialization in Family Nursing Practice possess patient advocacy skills and competencies that they can apply to influence changes in policies to help address the health needs of individuals and families in the community. I am confident that pursuing an MSN degree in Family Nursing Practice from your institution will refine my clinical knowledge, broaden my advocacy skills, and expand my research capabilities to prepare me to contribute to the elimination of health risks faced by individuals and families. My background in family nursing practice and my aspiration to increase the quality of healthcare services received by patients of all ages make me a suitable candidate for an MSN degree in family nursing practice. I completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree several years back and I have been licensed to practice as a registered nurse in my state. The BSN program laid a good foundation for me in my path toward becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner. The knowledge and skills acquired when completing my BSN program have not only enabled me to solve patients’ health needs but they have also helped me to learn the gaps in healthcare delivery for populations that can best be addressed by graduate-level nurses. For example, I adequately understand the role of evidence-based practice in ensuring that people receive quality care. I am confident that pursuing an MSN program in family nursing will advance my evidence-based practice skills and prepare me to contribute to nursing research for improved family nursing practice. I wish to study nursing graduate program at your institution due to the university...
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