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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Admission Essay
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College Application essay (Admission Essay Sample)

I have been attending Camp Lawrence since I was nine years old and now work there at nineteen years old . Camp was very impactful on me during my formative years and allowed me to be comfortable and grown within myself in a community surrounded by supportive and loving people . This support and sense of community I still carry with me and has changed the way I live my life as a whole .In this essay I want it to be shown how I started at camp as scared and un sure what is to come to now having it be my second home. More importantly how camp helped me feel normal about my issues like having ADHD and high functioning anxiety and my time there has helped me learn to love myself. I would like the essay to be written like a college application . I started to work at camp when I was 15 years old worked my way up to a directors position this coming summer .if you include that as well make the conclusion paragraph a little more personable ( less focusing of how I can bring awareness to adhd and more so have learned to live with my condition). Besides that All in all looks great :) source..
Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor Course Date College Application Essay Like most children, I had trouble listening, remembering or following directions. While such aspects can be considered part of an average child’s growth process, my case was very different. Unlike most children, I forgot things frequently. When I say frequently, I do not mean it in the usual sense, where one forgets something now and then or occasionally. I mean it in that I routinely forgot almost every aspect, so I rarely kept anything in its proper place. Mostly, this rendered me disorganized and chaotic, posing problems between my parents, siblings, and me. My quirky characteristics also manifested through restlessness, extensive inattentiveness and great boredom within a short period of starting something. I would often talk a lot over other people’s conversations, presenting myself as a socially inappropriate individual. My parents loved me despite my unnatural behaviors. Since I was so different from my siblings, they were primarily concerned and confused. As a result, they were forced to seek the doctor’s opinion. Following this consultation, I was diagnosed with ADHD at eight years old. When my parents learned that ADHD could not be treated, they were devastated. However, they were determined to help me manage the condition. As part of their research, my parents established that I would benefit by getting away from home. They thought I might enjoy the activities at summer camp, prompting them to enroll me at Camp Lawrence shortly after I turned 9. Initially, I was scared and unsure about joining the community. I was even angry at my parents that they let my siblings stay home while I was forced to join an institution. Far from my initial assumption of summer camp, I have grown to love this place, and it has become my second home. I attended Camp Lawrence for nine years up until I turned 18. At 15 years old, I began working at the institution, and I have worked my way up, looking forward to filling in the director’s position this summer at 19 years old. As a 9-year-old, I fell in love with the camp because it was all fun and games. However, I have come to learn that I have benefitted more than I know. This program helped me practice my social skills more. I became more responsible and independent. More importantly, Camp Lawrence has helped me feel normal about my issues, like having ADHD and high-functioning anxiety. My time there has helped me learn to love myself, and I hope to grow from my current position to a counsellor at the camp someday. Although I understand that ADHD can be difficult for most of us and cannot be cured, I believe that people living with ADHD can employ specific str...
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