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1 page/≈275 words
Literature & Language
Personal Statement
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

Thank you letter for selection as an Administrator (Personal Statement Sample)


memo was a thank you letter for selection as an administrator

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Dear Jill,
I would like to take this opportunity to profoundly thank you for the time you took on Friday to conduct the interview on the administrator position. I particularly had a good time speaking with you and getting to know more about Bella Vista Memory Care Community. I would particularly like to appreciate the concerted effort which you put across to get off your busy schedule to interview me. I must admit I feel entirely humbled by this gesture. I feel I would be of importance to your organization, and an excellent candidate to fill this position.
I feel I am best suited to fill the administrator’s position in the company. Upon being granted an opportunity to serve in this reputable organization, I will bring in fresh talent and notable differences will be realized. I have a wide array of experience in this field serving as an administrator. In my current employment, I have been charged with different duties which I am able to discharge with a lot of ease. Bella Vista calls for an accountable and mature candidate who will uphold its mission, vision and core values. I believe I am best suited for this job since I have also served in various leadership positions in activities which called for team work. I am an eloquent person therefore communicating with customers and meeting their needs should be among my top priorities. I will ensure that I focus on their needs while being articulate to uphold the organization’s best interests.
I felt during the ...
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