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Annotated Bibliography
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Rigidity To Historical And Social Change In Faulkner's A Rose For Emily (Annotated Bibliography Sample)


Using a minimum of three sources, write an annotated bibliography based on Faulkner's a rose for emily.

Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Annotated Bibliography: Rigidity to Historical and Social change in Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily Thesis Statement: William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” is a story produced to illustrate the inevitable destruction of the south by the conventional social and political presumptions that were annealed first by the civil war and later by the insidious new social order. Inspired by his life experiences, Faulkner illustrates the ambivalence of the southerners to social and historical change as they transit from an old era to a modern period. This annotated bibliography provides a list and brief summary of the sources that reflect Faulkner’s theme of tradition versus progress. Pierce, Constance; Heller. William Faulkner. Critical Survey of Short Fiction, Second Revised Edition; January 2001, p1-7 This article provides a brief biography about William Faulkner and offers a critical review of some of his major works with a particular emphasis on his short story “A Rose for Emily”. A Rose for Emily was one of Faulkner’s best stories since it was inspired by his life and experiences in the South. Faulkner was born during the post-civil war era when the south was dominated by pervasive aristocracy, universal gentility and conventional social and political presumptions. This inspired him to produce “A Rose for Emily” using characters such as Miss Emily who was an embodiment of the pre-civil war traditions and Homer Barron who was a principal figure of progress. The source of the article is the book “Critical Survey of Short Fiction” which profiles the achievements, lives and major works of over 625 prolific writers. The article is published by Salem press which is a book publisher that is recognized by scholars and librarians nationwide. I found the article helpful in examining how Faulkner was inspired by his life experiences to write “A Rose for Emily” Robertson, Alice. The Ultimate Voyeur: The Communal Narrator of “A Rose for Emily. Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fictions (ESTSF). n.d. This article focuses on Faulkner’s narration of the short story “A Rose for Emily. According to Robertson, Faulkner was concerned with drawing the attention of alien readers (Northerners) and emotionally invoke them to identify with the unfamiliar southern world. Faulkner’s personal experiences in the southern world in conjunction with the pragmatic historic stereotypes inspired him to write the tale “A Rose for Emily. The article depicts Miss Emily as a victim of the society’s cultural paralysis that denied her the freedom to fulfill her culturally prescribed familial and maternal destiny. Her agony emanated from an internal conflict that resulted due to her incapacity to adapt and function as a southern woman in the changing post-civil war world. The source of the article is the Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fictions (ESTSF) journal that provides evaluated and accurate abstracts, citation metadata, and other writings. The author Alice Robertson is credible and is a Director of writing and an English professor at the Illinois University. I found the article helpful in analyzing Faulkner’s narration and perspectives about the southern society in relation to the changing world. Dilworth, Thomas, A Romance to Kill for: Homicidal Complicity in Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily". Studies in Short Fiction...
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