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Article Review: Truancy (Article Critique Sample)




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Article Review: Truancy
The primary research question under study in the article is "What is the role of social control and self-control in truancy? Are weak social control and a lack of self-control indicative of truancy?"by Johan Ormel, Rene’ Lindenberg, Veenstra, Siegwart, Frank Tinga, and was to examine the impact of self and social-control over absenteeism, as well as the degree to which such risky behavior could be anticipated by a theory of goal-framing which incorporates views of self and social-control in the context of cognitive psychology concepts. (Veenstra et al., 2010).
The methodology used to address the research questions was quantitative, utilizing two data collection methods: interviews and questionnaires. The interviews were conducted with parents, teachers, and students asking for information about their missing values, marriage split, socioeconomic factors (level of income, level of education of both mother and father, and job status of each spouse), family life instability (alcohol or drug abuse, as well as behavior problems), pubertal growth, children's attachments (parents, educators, and schoolmates), and student interests and habits. Parents completed Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaires to fill out to learn more about their children’s self-control. This methodological approach to the research was fitting and successfully obtained the data needed for the study (Veenstra et al., 2010).
The analysis yielded a slew of exciting results. One of the most important findings was that students from disadvantaged social backgrounds (particularly dysfunctional families), with insufficient social ties (lack of connection to teachers and parents), or lower prosocial inclination are more likely to be absent from school early. Given that, such students often exhibit poor academic performance and a variety of delinquent behaviors. The study concluded that students who need the most intervention are the same students who have the worst school attendance rates, making truancy a significant research problem and a vital tool for social intervention (Veenstra et al., 2010).
Reflecting upon children’s relationships with their parents or their educators may help prevent or counter early truancy, according to interpersonal ties effects among significant others on going to school. A role appears to be played by the formation of prosocial awareness. As a result, the issue of how to strengthen or restore social ties arises. The findings indicate that to obtain children’s connections, teachers and parents should be protective of them (including high-risk children). Becoming socially-focused implies that children consider the interests of their peers and are therefore more mindful of what they need to do, which improves their self-control capacity (Veenstra et al., 2010).
Also, a small percentage of teachers and parents agreed with reports of child absenteeism. Attachments regulate the self-control impact of truancy on teachers and parents. Early truancy, as slightly earlier antisocial behavior, is more common in boys than in girls. Non-truants are much more likely to be youngsters whose bodily growth has begun to a somewhat les

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