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Public Management in Intergovernmental Networks by Kenneth Meir (Article Critique Sample)


Please use the article I provided: "Public Management in Intergovernmental Networks" by Kenneth Meir no headings, do not cite, do not page number 2 pages - article attached Format to included Introduction, Summary, Evaluation, Conclusion


Public Management in Intergovernmental Networks Article Review
The article 'Public management in intergovernmental Network' by Meir explores the management of the intergovernmental in public education field by undertaking relevant component developed a model in prior work. The focus of the study entails the manner by which structures features for given networks in the intergovernmental together with the top managers on networking effects collections of the performance outcomes. Some of the characteristics that positively contribute to performance include managerial quality, managerial networking as well as designated features. The article points out that the central role of the public management as brought forward by intergovernmental relations experts underscores the rise of intergovernmental management.
In as much as the theme of the intergovernmental management has been considered as the central part of the present policy environment, the article reveals that there has been slow development on the theoretical work. The author affirms that regardless of the fact that there has been deliberated that the consensus regarding the importance of the intergovernmental management on the ultimate success or failure of the public drive, no systematic investigation concerning the particular public management contribution has been established. No study has been established that shows the link between the intergovernmental programs and public management. The article thus argues that public management plays an important role in implementing the intergovernmental, public programs.
As the article reveals, intergovernmental grants programs comprise of the government agencies and donor government that interact with the recipient governments and agencies. Examinations of the networked intergovernmental aid pattern give a chance of commencing an investigation of intergovernmental magnitudes vis-à-vis public management. According to earlier findings by the author, the public management of the school districts has the attention of the networking behavior of top managers in the government. The author argues that public management is important in non-linear ways that interrelates with the organizational resources affirming that program performance is mainly influenced by street level personnel, agency heads, and management-level as well as political overseers. Schools districts have ties with external parties and levels of government. The main principal intergovernmental school districts are the state level department of education. The general model for evaluating the public management performance as outlined in the article includes the outcome, stability, and control.
The intergovernmental patterns are numerous, and it is not possible to have the same criteria through which the link between the intergovernmental ties and public management can be evaluated. In the federal systems, intergovernmental patterns are constitutionally le...
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