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Political Patronage Creative Writing Article Paper (Article Sample)


It's about the causes and effects of political patronage in Kenya,


Political Patronage
Political patronage is one of the consequent of the problems we face as a nation. Kenya is full of Spoilsmen and Spoilsmongers , people who only serve for share of spoils, distribute public offices and their emoluments as the price of services to party and its leaders. The spoils system has been entwine with ethnicity to outwit the suffering Kenyans. Our leaders have successfully employed Mtu Wetu narrative whenever crackdowns to protect their corruptly acquired properties at the expense of their tribe.
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. In Kenya it is easy to be corrupt than to follow the due or legal procedures to acquire something. For example the court processes consumes a lot of resources and time for “the noncompliance”. As such, the Cartelized system has no choice but to move aggressively against noncompliant and impedes of their incompetency.
Kenyans have noticed the fundamental aspect that is bringing about infirmity that is deteriorating our community all the time (Quid Pro Quo) - something given or received for something else- Corruption. The spoil system forces the good citizens to join it through payment of small token (Bribe) to be dully identified and allowed in allowed in the squandering of public resources.

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