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Article Summary: Evaluating The Effectiveness of Oral Health Education Program Among Mothers with 6-18 Months’ Children in Prevention of Early Childhood Caries (Article Sample)

you will find a research article that compares the effectiveness of two approaches to dental/oral health education given to mothers of young children. Your goal is to write a summary of this article following the same guidelines as the prior articles. It is important that you spend time studying the results section. It takes some work to understand what the author is concluding from the study results. I will have you explain this article to me when we meet again. To fully understand the research article and to teach about oral/dental health for children it is important to learn about recommendations for maintaining good oral/dental health at different stages of life. This includes from birth - age 6 years old and for older children and adults. There are many resources to learn about this. Your assignment is to create a Powerpoint presentation on this topic. This presentation should be based on a minimum of 5 references. This should be a presentation you could use to teach about dental/oral health. These assignments combined with teaching a lesson of oral/dental health are what is needed to complete the independent study. I think I have toothbrushes and dental floss you can give out to those attending the lesson you give. source..
Article Summary: Evaluating The Effectiveness of Oral Health Education Program Among Mothers with 6-18 Months’ Children in Prevention of Early Childhood Caries Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name Instructor’s Name Date The research article under consideration by (Manchanda et al., 2014) looks at how various oral health education programs targeting mothers with young children may help in the prevention of early childhood caries (ECC). The study involved 480 mothers with children aged 6-18 months, randomly assigned into three groups: It comprised of a motivational intervention group (Group A), a health education accredited group (Group B), and a non-accredited standard group (Group C). The effectiveness of these interventions was measured by evaluating the dental health needs of the children within a period of eight months, from September to April. The research discovered that the motivational interviewing had a significantly superior effect on the care of the decays within children as compared to health education and no intervention. Among all the groups, the group A that received motivational interviews to encourage them to practice good hygiene had a mean number of decayed teeth of 0. 4 that was expected according to the normal distribution, and importantly, better than the 14. 39 and 1. 17 observed in Groups B and C, respectively Out of the 17 observed in Groups B and C, respectively. This indicates that motivational interviewing, which seeks to engage the mother by having her talk about implementing reasons for change in behavior and offer solutions to barriers faces is likely to empower the mothers to practice better oral health behaviors. The behavioral aspect also registered some changes with people changing their behavior in certain activities. Recommendations On bottle feeding on demand group A; Group B both significantly reduced on bottle feeding on demand but increased on other comforting practices for children to sleep. But it was here that only the Group A participant’s night feeding through the bottle was reduced significantly. Nevertheless, all groups have demonstrated an increase in the intake of snacks with a high sugar content be...
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