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When does Child Discipline become Abuse? Literature & Language Article (Article Sample)


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When does Child Discipline become Abuse?
One of the defining elements of parenting and child guidance is discipline. Instilling discipline liberally or sparingly is fundamental to parent child dynamics because it is the main means of ensuring that children become honest, kind, sharing, and responsible members of the society. Children who follow their parents’ guidance eventually become respectful and well-behaved individuals. However, there is confusion among parents and most member of the public about the extent to which an act of disciplining a child becomes an abuse. Different states have formulated laws—and societies established boundaries—regarding child discipline and abuse. Depending on the laws of every state, the extent to which child discipline can be perceived as abuse depends on a number of factors that adversely affects a child’s physical and emotional being; mental and psychological health such as violence, sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment, and parental substance abuse.

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