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Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration Research Assignment (Article Sample)


The task was to write a summary of the given article. The sample, therefore. gives a brief summary on the process of Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration, as detailed in the article under consideration.

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Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration
Migration of hydrocarbon is the process where petroleum moves from the source rock to reservoir. Secondary migration of hydrocarbon occurs when petroleum moves in a carrier encompassed with driving and resisting forces to a reservoir (Luo 882). The concept of secondary hydrocarbon migration have to a reasonable extent have not been adequately apprehended because of using ineffective pathway simulation models. However, invasion- percolation model have been perceived to be relatively effective compared to other simulation models such as Darcy flow, the flow of path and hybrid methods (Luo 882). The reason behind the efficiency associated with invasion-percolation model is based on the ability to establish the relationship between driving and resisting forces in various conditions.
Migration of hydrocarbons has been identified as a separate phase and is majorly influenced by buoyancy (Luo 883). The forces involved are responsible for the vertical migration at geologically rapid rates. Resisting forces are as a result of lithological layers, which tends to slow down the rate of hydrocarbon migration. The properties of reservoirs and carrier beds have a significant control rate of the overall hydrocarbon migration process depending on driving and resisting forces (Luo 885). Inclined planes, symmetrical and circular basins are associated with increasing resisting forces and decreasing driving forces, which is accountable for the irregular flow paths and heterogeneous nature of carriers. Conceptual foreland and elliptical basins have incr...
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