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Social Sciences
Book Review
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School Attacks in the Book The Social Roots of School Shootings by Katherine S. Newman (Book Review Sample)


Paper Components (substantive and writing)
1 inch margins all sides, 12 point Times New Roman font, spell-check, grammar check, page numbers, double-space, avoid contractions, avoid passive voice, paraphrase in your own words, limit quotations, reference in ASA format.
Introductory Paragraph: What are you doing?
• Introduce the purpose of the paper, the book you are using (briefly mention the 2 cases), the key contribution of the book, and your final concluding argument about this book. •Write your introduction after you have spent some time thinking about the book and developing the other parts of your paper.
Body of Paper:
a. What is this book about? (Only focus on material listed.) • Summarize key themes, arguments, and evidence primarily in your own words including: o How the authors define a rampage school shooting (what is included, what is excluded)— See ch. 3 for full definition (Note: this is the only thing you need from ch. 3) o How they study it (methods)—covered in appendix (pp. 319-324) o Key arguments (key concepts and processes they highlight)—Focus only on ch. 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 for this! Be sure you cover each of these chapters. o Supportive evidence can include brief examples. For chapter 10, be sure to briefly summarize the results of their test of each part of the theory with the 3 data sources.
b. How do you evaluate this? (4 points) • Provide a thoughtful and critical evaluation of the book addressing such things as: o What are the strengths and weaknesses of the book? o What are the issues with how they focus the research and theorizing? o Are there other possible interpretations of the evidence or counter arguments to what the authors’ state? o Are there issues they did not examine (or did not cover enough) that they should have?
Brief conclusion: What did you do in this paper? •Re-state what you did in the paper including the key points about the book, your evaluation, and your reaction. End with your final take home message.
In-text Cite Book Throughout Paper: •Be sure to use in-text citation of the book several times in each paragraph when you are summarizing it. Cite like this in general (Newman et al. 2004) or this for a page number (Newman et al. 2004: 50). Or state “Newman et al. (2004) argue that…”


The Rampage Book Report
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The book Rampage: The Social Roots of School Shootings by Katherine S. Newman is an extensible look at the reason for the rampant school attack and murders that had taken the headlines in a mass period in the United States. The authors examine with a series of investigations and research to uncover the reason as to why such types of attacks happened and, most of all, the intentions behind them. The book analyses the case studies and attempts to uncover the truths behind the attacks. Seeing that most attacks were most rampant in high schools, the book gives insight and collaborates the various security departments and influential individuals in carrying out the studies and helps carry out background research to understand the matter. The attacks saw many children lose their lives, and many families saw losing loved ones. However, the book attempts to bring closure to such families by conducting more profound research on the matter to obtain clarity. The author’s approach to the subject helps engage students, parents, other investigators, and researchers, which paints a tremendous and passionate order to achieve what most would consider impossible.

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