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NetFlix Case Study Literature & Language Case Study (Case Study Sample)


This is a case study for netflix. it explored HISTORY of the COMPANY.


Institutional Affiliation
The purpose of this research is to analyze the performance of Netflix by examining the prices and volume of its shares in the stock market. Netflix, Inc. goes down in history as the first digital entertainment company to cross the hundred billion dollars mark in the market cap ("Netflix Inc.", 2020). This research will also look at the strategic objectives that are have been put in place by the company. The inception of this firm was viewed as a disruptive force that would completely change how business practices will be conducted in the entertainment sector. Undeniably, the innovative ideas that Netflix introduce into the market forced rivals to re-strategize. The company offered its subscribers flexibility in terms of content consumption. Additionally, the firm invested in original content and subscribers had the option to download unlimited movies (Fata, 2019). The research is robust and it will adequately inform the conclusion of the study in terms of outlining the strategies the firm has initiated in order to establish itself as a market leader in the digital entertainment sector.

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