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Project Management. Recommendations for project initiation. (Case Study Sample)


Details were provided about Airbus A380 and issue s faced by the same.
Sample comprises of the recommendations on various areas as asked in the instruction file.


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Recommendations on how MAC can adopt these learnings into their growth ambition project
Space-A travels are means by which US Uniformed Service members and their families are allowed to fly by airplane, if the excess capacity permits, under the competence of the United States Defense Department. Space travel available is a privilege derived in part from Section 4744 of the United States Code of Title 10 which states that 'the officers and members if space is available, maybe transported to ships operated by any military transport agencies within the Department of Defense.' The United States Code states: Space available travel is defined as "travel on DoD-owned or controlled aircraft when aircraft are not completely booked on orders." The United States Uniformed Services is a luxury (Steinberg and Chandler, 2013). Pensioners have the privilege to recognize their careers and have the right to recall their active duty. The major learning from Boeing is the adherence to the time frame. A manager should take much more time on planning than anything else as one unforeseen thing can lead to multiple damages. There should be the buffer and lead times in the Gantt charts to accommodate delays from one task to another. Also smooth transitions via face to face communications are the key to success. A web-based chat can never replace human interaction and this was proved in the Boeing case. Coordination issues led to a loss of hundreds of billions of dollars and the issues were not sorted out during planning. Thus, successful planning is the key to any major project, and Space A should take a note for its growth ambition project. The heating issue in lithium-ion batteries could have taken the form of a disaster, which was not the case fortunately. These technical details can come from experienced personnel who should be kept on the board (Verseput, 2016).
5.1 Recommendations for project initiation
The airline should start the project by Attribution the implementation process (a prime function of implementation) to project managers whose first task is to develop a common understanding regarding the fundamental criteria for a successful project. Lifecycle support) and project scope and objectives. The project managers collectively identify milestones and structure of the project and how practically the project should be managed (communication, documents, decision-making process, Control tasks, control of change, evaluation of risks, and recording of steering/status).Upon project manager approval plan sponsors' initial preparation (and/or project members group for a steering team Project the introduction and start of a comprehensive plan and the priorities of the project. In the Case of boing, the major issue was Delay after the announcement. The contraction was initially expected to take 40 months. The project cost 40 billion USD to build, which was twice the initial estimate, and the lithium battery aircraft caught fire to make matters worse. The first challenge in the design process was the use of second-hand construction materials and the prototype project failed several times. The problems began in the year 2000, and there has been a six-month delay, resulting in an additional $ 1 billion in cost and revenue loss of $3.5 billion. Besides, there were not enough materials to cover this entire project.

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