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The Pepsi Refresh Project Literature & Language Case Study (Case Study Sample)


discussion and response to students replies regarding pepsi refresh project


BY (Name)
Summary of the article
PepsiCo is the company that owns and manages the Pepsi brand. The company deals with global products such as beverages, snacks, food, and food brands. Pepsi brand has a history that dates backs to 1898 as carbonated creation and hand-mixed. The main objective of developing Pepsi was to delight different people at the North Carolina Pharmacy Caleb Braham. With time other drinks such as Pepsi MAX and Diet Pepsi joined the Pepsi-Cola. In accordance to Norton (2013) Pepsi Cola used to be marketed and sold as a healthful drink to relieve its consumers when they are depressed. During the Second World War, Pepsi modified its casing to white, red, and blue color to reflect the patriotic advertising theme strategy. In 2009 Pepsi decided not to engage in any form of advertisement, precisely it walked out of the 2010 Super Bowl. In its place, it channeled its resources of $20 million, which was to be used in Super Bowl to fund grants whose objective was to support the promotion program. Therefore, ‘The Pepsi Refresh Project’ permitted the people to present their thoughts for the donations to energize their societies (Norton, 2013). Those individuals whose concepts were to attract many votes were to receive awards. Many consumers welcomed the project, and they submitted their philosophies. They were more those auditioned at the time of American Idol. The votes during the Pepsi Refresh Project were so many. It even superseded the cast votes in the previous year of the US presidential elections. Also, the company engaged the use of celebrities to advertise their products. On the other hand, they used employee engagement programs and bottle engagement programs to expand their advertising network.

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