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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
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Nurse-Patient Relationship Case Study (Case Study Sample)

The case study revolves around a patient named Mr. Chavez, presenting with symptoms of fatigue, difficulty walking, and signs of depression following the death of his wife. The pertinent information gathered includes the patient's psychosocial history, family health background, absence of drug or substance abuse, and a previous medical history of appendix removal. The main issue identified is Major Depressive Disorder Single Episode, supported by the patient's complaints, depressive symptoms, withdrawal, and suicidal ideation without a concrete plan. The family's history, including the recent suicidal thoughts of the patient's sister, further emphasizes the need for comprehensive mental health assessment and intervention. The goals for the client interview involve establishing rapport, assessing the severity of depressive symptoms, exploring social support networks, evaluating suicide risk, understanding the patient's history of depression, and identifying areas where additional support may be required. These goals are crucial for planning appropriate care and interventions. To introduce the nurse-patient relationship, a warm and compassionate approach is suggested. The nurse aims to create a safe and non-judgmental space for Mr. Chavez to express his thoughts and feelings. A potential introduction involves addressing the patient by his preferred name, expressing the nurse's commitment to support his mental health journey, and inquiring about his current feelings. The recommended questions for the client interview cover various aspects, including recent mood changes, suicidal thoughts, the impact of bereavement, available support systems, and past coping mechanisms. These questions aim to gather comprehensive information to guide the assessment, care planning, and interventions. The reference to Bains and Abdijadid's work on Major Depressive Disorder provides a foundation for understanding the diagnostic considerations in Mr. Chavez's case. In summary, the essay emphasizes the importance of a thorough assessment in the nurse-patient relationship, outlines the identified issue of Major Depressive Disorder, and proposes specific goals and questions to guide the interaction and care planning for Mr. Chavez. source..
Nurse-Patient Relationship Case Study Student Name Institution Course Code Instructor Name Date Due Pertinent information The relevant information from the case study is as follows; * The reason behind the patient feeling fatigued and the inability of the patient to walk. * Also, identifying any previous illness associated with the current illness. The patient is coping death of his wife, meaning he has signs of depression and poor self-care due to loneliness. This has led to thoughts of committing suicide, but there is no solid plan to execute it. * Any record of drug and substance abuse, of which he claimed he has never used alcohol or any other drug, and this was confirmed by the daughters. * The history of his family's health and wellness is not questionable as both parents have no medical death history relating to their death only. In the recent past, his sister was invaded by suicidal thoughts. * Family socioeconomic history includes their income sources, religion, and dwellings. * Previous medical history of the patient includes removal of the appendix and identifying if there is any contributing factor to the current diagnosis. * Psychology test exam to test the patient's upkeep and decency, mood, thoughts of committing suicide, access to a self-harming weapon, speech delivery, and the level of hallucinations and delusions * Any history of allergies and side effects from the drugs. These subtleties are fundamental for understanding the patient's ongoing psychological well-being status, risk factors, social help, social foundation, and pertinent clinical history, which will direct the attendant's appraisal, care arranging, and intercessions. What to consider to be the issue According to (Bains & Abdijadid, 2022), the issue may be seen as the Major Depressive Disorder Single Episode. The patient's main grievance of feeling drained and not having any desire to continue any longer, alongside the historical backdrop of the present disease demonstrating side effects of sorrow, withdrawal, loss of energy, and indifference to taking care of oneself, recommends a burdensome episode. The patient's discouraged state of mind, self-destructive ideation without an arrangement, and admittance to weapons in the home further help the finding of a significant burdensome issue. Goals for client interview * Establish compatibility with the client and create a safe, non-critical climate for them to share their contemplations and sentiments. * Assess the client's ongoing degree of trouble and decide the seriousness of their burdensome side effects. * Explore the client's social and emotionally supportive network and distinguish any likely wellsprings of daily reassurance or consolation. * Assess the client's self-destruction risk and foster a well-being intent to deal with any self-destructive ideation or aim. * Explore the client's set of experiences of wretchedness and decide on any past effective mediations or survival techniques. * Assess the client's everyday work and distinguish any regions where they might require extra help, such as taking care of oneself or family undertakings. How to acquaint with the client While acquainting with the client, I would move toward it in a warm and compassionate way. I would start by tending to the client consciously, utilizing their favored name and favored typ...
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