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Impact of E-discovery on Litigations Law Case Study (Case Study Sample)


1.5 page
At the end of 2006, a new edition of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) went into effect. Using a Web search tool, learn more about the FRCP. What likely effect will its emphasis on electronically stored information (ESI) have on an organization’s need for a digital forensic capability?


Impact of E-Discovery on Litigation Outcome
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Impact of E-Discovery on Litigation Outcome
If technology is not managed well, it can result to complexity of electronically stored information (ESI) and can impose costs, risks lawyers and clients, and alter court proceedings. This tends to change litigation patterns, amount of settlement and trial rate. With such concerns, changes on Federal Rules of civil Procedures (FRCP) on digitalized delivery took effect in 2006.
Some of the rules amended include, rules; 16, 26, 33, 34, 37 and 45 which has throughout moved American law and state law in succeeding years. This paper will analyze the implication of these amendments in reference to digital forensics.
The Scheduling Order Rule 16(b)

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