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Case Study Analysis Psychology Case Study Research Paper (Case Study Sample)


Write a 1,000-1,500-word analysis of the case study using the theory you chose. Include the following in your analysis.
• What will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish those goals?
• Describe the process of treatment using this theory. This should include a description of the length of treatment, the role of the counselor, and the experience of the client as they work from beginning to termination of therapy.
• How does this theory address the social and cultural needs of the client? (Cite specific research findings)
• Describe how your chosen theory supports the use of a constructivist philosophy throughout the counseling process. How does a collaborative approach change the ability for clients to create and accomplish their goals through counseling services?
• How should a counselor who utilizes post-modern / collaborative approaches interact with their clients in order to prevent undue harm, risk, or confusion from impeding the progress of therapy?
Include at least six scholarly references in your paper.


Case Analysis: Solution-Focused Therapy
Solution-Focused Therapy
Mental health is vital in the United States, even though most people go undiagnosed for mental health disorders. With the right diagnoses, mental health conditions can be treated by a professional effectively. Ana is one such patient that can eliminate some of her fears, such as the possibility of homelessness through therapy. Apart from homelessness, Ana feels overwhelmed by raising a child by herself, constantly worries of her deployed husband, and worries about her current state of joblessness. What Ana needs is solutions to her current challenges that have led to clinical anxiety. Hence solution-focused therapy is the most appropriate intervention for her.

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