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Personal Glitch Art Project Coursework Writing Assignment (Coursework Sample)


This paper was about creating five examples of a personal glitch art.


Personal Glitch Art Project
Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1Chavelin Pierre/Chavelin Illustration 2014

Figure 1) Glitched PNG, Double Exposure Effect using Gimp
The image above has applied blending and adjusting opacity to create a double exposure effect.
The effect has brought out an illusion of exposing one image on above another. This is typical of an old-style film camera. In this image, a layer mask has been used. The image is a depiction of artistic masterpiece.

Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2gettyimages @2018

Figure 2) Glitched PNG, Disintegration effect using Gimp
This image is an illustration a leady with random distorted spot, sprinkled display of dots, and shade of tone.
Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3gettyimages Tom Flathers

Figure 3) Glitched PNG, Cracked and Peeling skin effect using Gimp.
This image is a blend of dramatic texture, like a peeling paint, with a face. This artistic work elicits a strong emotion. This is a close-up image, with a light skin, contrasted well with dark cracks on a light surface.
Figure  SEQ Fig...
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