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Environmental Effects of Biofuels (Coursework Sample)


please follow the instructions in the attachment and I need the two sources attached with the assignment.
ANT160: Cultural Diversity in the Modern World-Global Dynamics
Annotated Bibliography (AB)-Step 1 Instructions 10 pts.
This is a 3 page assignment:
Page 0 is a Cover Sheet with a title, your name and correct section number.
Page 1 is the list of TWO (2) annotated entries pertaining to a topic.
Page 2 is the list of “Sources Cited.”
Here are your instructions:
1. Choose a question that is of global concern for human populations. Try to be specific. For example, water is a great topic but it is multifaceted. Are you interested in the impact of water-born disease on humans? Be more specific. Are you interested in the impact of diarrheal type water born illnesses on children? The more specific you are, the better your final annotated bib will be. State your goal of the annotated bib as a question. This takes some time.
2. Go to UK Libraries website, find the “Research Guides” for anthropology. Go to “Course Guides” and click on ANT160. This takes some time.
3. Learn what an academic source (also called scholarly article) is. This takes some time.
4. Learn how to find sources. This takes some time.
5. Go to the OWL website and search “annotated bibliography” to learn what this looks like: This takes some time.
6. Demonstrate that you understand what an academic source is by listing TWO sources in appropriate form (see #9).
7. Add an annotation to each of your sources. DO NOT SIMPLY COPY THE ABSTRACT. If the TA suspects you have done this and then investigates and finds that you did copy the abstracts, you will receive a zero on this assignment. It only takes a google search to find this.
8. On page 2, list your sources (without the annotations) as “Sources Cited”.
9. All entries must be in either APA or the AAA (American Anthropological Association) style.
*The AAA Style Guide:
*The APA Style Guide:
2 points for a cover sheet (page 0) with your name and CORRECT section number/TA name.
1 point for one inch margins.
1 point for standard 11 (preferred) or 12 point font.
2 points for sources (1 per entry) you have listed correctly with the annotation (page 1).
2 points for annotations (1 per entry, each must be 5-6 sentences at least).
2 points for the correctly listing the sources in appropriate form as “Sources Cited” (page 2).
10 points possible.
DUE: Week 5 on September 24th, IN LECTURE IN HARD COPY.
*Review Late Assignments policy in syllabus. We adhere strictly to this policy.


Global warming: Environmental Effects of Biofuels
Student’s name
Institutional affiliation
Blottnitz, Harro von & Mary, Ann C. (2007). A review of assessments conducted on bio-ethanol as a transportation fuel from a net energy, greenhouse gas, and environmental life cycle perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production. 15: 607-619.
This particular article analyses 47 global life cycle assessments of methanol emissions and comes up with a conclusion from a combination of these assessments. The first conclusion of the authors of the article is that methanol can be made from sugar crops in tropical nations. However, expansion of agricultural land usage should be approached with great caution. The authors also conclude that the types of technology employed in handling process residue are key determinants of emissions from biofuels. The article also identifies a wide range of environmental effects of biofuels. They include depletion of the ozone, negative effects on ecological and human health, contributing towards global warming, depletion of natural resources, eutrophication, smog formation and acidification. Basically, the article notes that although bio-ethanol results in global warming and reductions in resource use, more research is need on effects like human toxicity, acidification and ecological toxicity mainly because the latter only occur during growing and processing biomass.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service and The Office
of the Chief Economist (2007). An Analysis of the Effects of an Expansion in
Biofuel Demand on U.S. Agriculture. Washington, DC. US Department of
The primary focus of this particular article is the supply and economic effects of an increase in biodiesel and ethanol demand. Additionally, the article also provides examination the effects of increased demand for biofuels on nutrient loading and soil erosion. The article concludes that other than brining new land production, changes in tillage practices and crop rotations as a result of increased corn production increases nutrient loading and soil erosion, especially in the country’s Northern Plains and the Corn Belt. This article focuses on two main environmental impacts of increased production and demand for biofuels. First, the study states that nutrients that are applied to the top soil may not be absorbed by the crops. C...
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