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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Nutrition. Health, Medicine and Nursing Coursework. (Coursework Sample)


Importance of buying otc and dietary suppliments,, And a brief description of LCd and psychotherapy and why it's research was stopped.


Institutional Affiliation
Discussion analyzed over-the-counter medicines (OTC) as medicines that you can buy without medical prescription. Dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, and herms, which come as pills and capsules (Peraza, J. E. 2017). Supplements play an essential role in the health system like strengthening bones and preventing congenital disabilities hence significant to differentiate supplements from OTC.
Question 2
Caffeine is the only recommended dose of Dexatrim product that is allowed in OTC products. It has a short term stimulatory effect on basal metabolism, though more effective in the promotion of weight losses compared to other OTC stimulants (Hart & Ksir, 2018).  Students analyzed anxiety, headache, and diarrhea and heart attack as the side effects of caffeine.

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