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Telemedicine and Access to Healthcare (Coursework Sample)

Write a page about how telemedicine and access to healthcare. The subtopic should be greater access to healthcare/. Use the information in the attached document to see what other group members have written so your part aligns with the study Hi there, this is what i i had wrote last time about my topic; "Telehealth or telemedicine is a useful component of medicine today. Healthcare providers utilize virtual methods to provide videoconferences or remote monitoring. Outpatient clinics, pharmacies, physical and occupational therapy facilities, disaster management programs, and hospital settings are just a sampling of providers that benefit from these services. The purpose of this paper is to examine use of telemedicine practices in an outpatient setting by registered nurses through a designed study including: introduction, literature review, methodology, research design, and results and summary of the study." source..
Telemedicine and Access to Healthcare Student Name Institution Affiliation Course Name Date Greater Access to Healthcare Over the past few centuries, the printing press, the telegraph, the telephone, and the Internet have all contributed to the development of telemedicine and the sharing of medical data. Utilizing "live chats" and video calling, healthcare providers can now use technology to provide direct patient care from the comfort of their homes. Healthcare professionals evaluate web-based telemedicine services as potential treatment alternatives (Jin et al., 2020). Online purchases of Bluetooth pillboxes can facilitate medication adherence and ease of use. With just a few keystrokes, a patient can now access unlimited medical information, making it quick and affordable. The international medical community will undoubtedly be encouraged to invest in the future of telemedicine and address emerging global health crises through these healthcare techniques. Patients who cannot access healthcare due to distance, transportation, or caregiver availability are more likely to benefit from telemedicine. Patients with compromised immunity no longer have to worry about contracting infectious diseases. Patients who had to wait months to see a specialist in their area can now see a wide range of specialists nationwide and get in sooner (Jin et al., 2020). A provider can still provide care to the patient using telemedicine, so they do no...
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