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Good Governance and Ethics Life Sciences Coursework (Coursework Sample)


After reading the article Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practice
, review the Family Resource Centers of Northeastern Nevada
This agency will be the basis for the grant proposal assignments you will complete in future modules.
Become familiar with the agency and its mission, vision, and core values as well as their board and staff. Review the various reports that are on the programs page. After you have reviewed the information, write a two-page paper in which you:
Identify and describe at least three recommendations you would provide to the agency for it to have or maintain good governance and ethical practice.


Good Governance and Ethics
Good Governance and Ethics
The Family Resource Center in North-eastern Nevada exists to serve residents through provision of exceptional programs meant to build and maintain healthy communities. To achieve its mission, the Center is guided by a set of eight core values, namely quality, integrity, fairness, reliability, client service, empowerment, community, and respect. In addition, the Center offers a number of free programs to residents. It also has a team of six staff members and a board that comprises 8 members (Family Resource Centers of Northeastern Nevada, n.d). However, there are a number of issues about the organization that require being looked into, especially in reference to good governance.
One such issue is the gender representation of staff members. According to the organization’s website, all the six staff members are women. In the Board, more than half of the members are also women. While this can be taken to suggest that the Family Resource Center is determined to empower women, it could also act as a barrier to effective governance. Board diversity is one of the principles outlined by the Independent Sector as key requirements for ethical practice and good governance in organizations. The Independent Sector (2019) recommends that boards of organizations should be made up of members from diverse backgrounds-gender included- so that skills required to realize the mission of the organization are pooled together. Gender equality is also advocated for by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (n.d) as one of the cornerstones of development. In line with the principle of board diversity, it is recommended that the Family Resource Center should consider reviewing its board to include an equal number of men and women.

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