Nature verses Nurture Life Sciences Coursework Paper (Coursework Sample)
Nature verses Nurture
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Nature verses Nurture
The issue of nature versus nurture has been a debated for long trying to prove which is most influential either. Nature means hereditary and genes factor have an impact on physical and personality features. Nurture on the other hand means that environmental variables define who we are from childhood experiences and the surrounding. The scientist used to argue on this issue, but nowadays things are different, all the two aspects are considered showing how important they are in psychology CITATION Loc16 \l 1033 (Lock, 2016). The experts have realized that nurture and nature interact in one way or another throughout life.
Some of the philosophers like Descartes and Plato points out some things one is born with. Besides, they occur naturally despite environmental factors. The Nativist suggests that most of the characters and behaviors are due to inheritance. Advocates of this issue believe that all behaviors and characteristics are due to evolution. The generic traits are transferred from parents to children. Several theories explain a firm belief on the subject for instance; Tabula rasa suggests that the mind of a person begins as a blank slate. In other words, the personality including the knowledge that an individual has it due to experience. While the Empiricists affirm that most of the characters and behaviors are due to learning. That is also known as behaviorism theory that suggests behaviors and actions are resulted by conditioning CITATION Loc16 \l 1033 (Lock, 2016). Therefore, a person would be trained what to become or do despite generic traits.
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