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Gaming Industry May Potentially be one of the Fastest Growing Industries in the World (Coursework Sample)


a paper about the gaming industry

Gaming industry may potentially be one of the fastest growing industries in the world.
A young boy named Sumail "SumaiL" Hassan was just a simple boy who was passionate for an online game. A game called Dota 2. He didn’t have any personally owned computer so he rented them out in cafes, at one point selling out his bicycle so he could afford more playing time (dota2, 2015).
In the 2014, their father would eventually move them to Illinois, USA in dreams of achieving a better life in the land of freedom. This became a great opportunity for SumaiL because because it allowed him to play Dota 2 on a faster internet connection (Ali Bari, 2015). A year later he became the highest rated player in the whole North America. However, less than a handful of the best players who transition into pro playing became successful. He was then noticed by the e-sports giant, Evil Geniuses and was recruited to their team to take part in the upcoming tournament, Dota 2 Asia Championship (DAC) in which they won first place and a total of 1.2 million dollars (Khan, 2015). SumaiL shot to fame because he was just new in the scene and he already defeated many known players. SumaiL and his team Evil Geniuses also won a 17 million dollar prize pool tournament hosted by Valve, creator of the game themselves, where they won first place and bagging a total of 6.6 million dollars (Ahmed, 2015). He then on became the youngest millionaire in the whole entire history of E-sports with his net worth amounting to almost 1.7 million dollars (Daultry, 2015).
With just a span of 2 decades, the video gaming industry is already worth around 56 billion dollars in revenue (as of 2010). It is about more than twice the size of the revenue of recorded-music industry, about the same as the newspaper industry, nearly a quarter more than the magazine industry and about 3/5 of the whole film industry ("Games to grow”, 2011). The biggest market for the gaming industry is America, Wherein they are expected to spend 14.1 billion dollars on games. While China is the second biggest consumer and one of the fastest growing with sales rising by 20% as of 2010. Japan was the second biggest market up until China surpassed it ("All the world’s a game”, 2011). Asia meanwhile is the largest region in terms of consumers of gaming industry. Expected to atleast take over $4 dollars out of $10 dollars on all game software by 2020. ("Games to grow”, 2016)
The stereotypical image of a gamer is a nerdy teenaged, male. But it is no longer accurate. As of 2010, the average age of players in America, the largest market is 37 years old. 42% of them are female, and 58% of them are male according to Entertainment Software Association (ESA), an American trade group. An explanation for this phenomenon is demography because the first video-gaming generation who grew up on games is now entering middle-age. It seemed unlikely that they would still play games up until their adulthood but game companies, readier than ever always chase the next big thing also starts to look for new audiences such as middle aged commuters and the elderly who doesn’t describe themselves as gamers but is happy to play Farmville on facebook or Angry Birds on their smartphones ("All the world’s a game”, 2011).
The large chunk of revenue that the game industry receives is the mobile gaming industry. Games such as Farmville, Clash of Clans, Candy Crush. It contributes about estimated 38% of the whole gaming industry (the second one is MOBA of Multiplayer Online Based Arena contributing at an estimated 25%). The 90 billion dollar gaming industry is expected to grow to 115 billion dollars in 2020. ("Games to grow”, 2016)
Many companies are lining up to get a part in the gaming industries, others get a part through sponsorship, partnership or they just straight up buy the company themselves. In the year 2013, the state department started granting visas to professional gamers, under the same program used by traditional athletes. Robert Morris University in Chicago shelled out 500 thousand dollars in athletic scholarship for gamers, one of the first in the United States. Ivy League colleges have intercollegiate gaming. Coca-cola, American Express, Redbull, Monster and other brands have lined up to be sponsors and web giant Amazon bought Twitch a hugely popular streaming website used by gamers for 970 million dollars in cash. (Wingfield, 2014).
Farjad, K. (2015, February 9). 15-year-old Pakistani wins $1.2m Dota 2 Asian Championship. The Express Tribune. Retrieved from http://tr...
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