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Classic Buddhist Text: Ashvaghosha, Siddhartha, Milarepa, and Buddha (Coursework Sample)


Write a bit about Classic Buddhist Text


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TIME \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" September 20, 2018
Classic Buddhist Text
1 Ashvaghosha presented the story of the Four Signs by describing instances of old age, illness, death, and the holiness. Old age, illness, and death substantiate that Dukkha exists and at the same time show that one’s life is not fixed, the state of Anatta. Death shows that human life is not permanent, the state of Annica. The description of holiness as prescribed through the old man represents the fourth sign and reassures Buddhists that even though suffering cannot be avoided, there is always a way out of it. The Four Signs are critical to Buddhists because they not only represent stages in life, but also give them faith and hope, and encourage them to follow a path to be awakened. The revelation of the Four Signs in the text makes it easier to comprehend and contextualize.
2 Siddhartha's urge to leave in search of ultimate joy was overwhelming. He disliked the scene where the young women succumbed to sleep in unsightly postures. The urge to leave increased that night after seeing the young women put themselves in compromising to please him. He

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