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Communication Theories Literature & Language Coursework (Coursework Sample)


discuss the communication theories and their assumptions, and also discuss Ways in which people receive information about public opinion


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Communication Theories
Assumptions associated with Agenda-Setting Theory
The first assumption is that both the press and the media do not show true reality since they filter and shape it. A good example is when a media house chooses to air a shocking or sensational story rather than a recent one. The second premise is that when the media concentrates on an issue, the more likely the views will deem it significant. The third concept is that the more headlines a story makes in the press, the more prominently the public will store it in their memories.
The first stage of agenda-setting research
The first stage emphasizes that news institutions have a significant influence on collective behavior and social control in a democratic society. This phase shows that the real power of the media is in its ability to force public opinion and subsequent political actions. People’s perceptions of the most critical issues in their nation depend on the value that the press places on such reports.

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