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Marketing Research Article Analysis Literature & Language Coursework (Coursework Sample)


a brief Marketing Research Article Analysis in relation to Elliot’s article from the New York Times


Marketing Research Article Analysis
The business problem
Elliot’s article from the New York Times asserts that adverts have failed to engage consumers, who are now not responding positively to adverts delivered to them (Elliot n.d.). There is an absence of effective research as clients are holding agencies accountable for how efficient their adverts are. Consequently, the marketing research industry is intensifying research to improve the measurement of audiences such as the media to help agencies identify efficient media outlets.
Relevant facts
In a study conducted by Answer Stream (cited in Elliot n.d.) to determine the emotional impact of advertisements, the outcome indicated that adverts that focused more on product attributes generated emotional responses from consumers just as those expected to yield reactions. In addition, the results of a survey by American Association of Advertising Agencies (cited in Elliot n.d.) indicated that consumers do not like certain aspects of adverts such as elements of provocation and mind teasing; consequently, this evolving attitude presents a constant gap on how consumers perceive adverts presented to them.

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