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A Review of the Decision by Mike the Cop in Harlem Renaissance (Coursework Sample)


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Write an essay of a minimum 300 words responding to the decision made by "mike the cop" in "Harlem renaissance" develop your response/thesis by using experiences observations and readings about how authority figures use/exercise their power

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A Review of the Decision by ‘Mike the Cop’ in Harlem Renaissance
And Power/ Leadership
The Harlem Renaissance is immensely recognized as a helm of cultural, historical and American literature achievements. It is known as the movement in the Afro-American history, which survived the period between 1910 and 1940, where an association of Harlem elite class promoted and encouraged literary and creative works as pertained the Negros. Seemingly, Renaissance originated from a group of scholars and authors of the time. The period presented theatre, visual arts and dance that have since been responsible for the emergence of the Renaissance. 'Harlem Renaissance’ is associated with the time of great creativity, innovations and productivity in literature, arts and social works (Baker).
The study explores the linkage between particular literary movements in regard to selected socio-political groupings and leaders of the black diaspora. It draws an indispensable element in the unfaltering leadership in the wake and transnational progression of literary movements that significantly led to the emergence and continuity of socio-political engagements. Further, these movements include; Garveyism, Pan-Africanism, Indigenisme, Negritude and Harlem Renaissance. Such movements resulted in the changing definitions and functions of Black Nationalism.
The Harlem Renaissance emerged during the American era of progressivism where population had immense faith in democracy and reform. Ultimately, the Renaissance came down with the Great Depression. It failed to influence any real social change significantly as underscored by the Harlem Riot of 1935. Undeniably, the Renaissance led to an absence of ideology and further propagating to exoticism and exhibitionism by the leaders of the time. Indeed, it failed to meet its stated mission to resolve and address the social crisis through cultural diplomacy (Simeon). Notably, it is not the Harlem Renaissance that failed; it was America that had failed the Harlem Renaissance. It led to the emergence of modernist movements, which...
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