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Poem Contrast Coursework (Coursework Sample)


The task was about analysis of two poems. The sample is about The contrast and comparison of Grass by Carl Sandburg and Silence by Marianne Moore

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The contrast and comparison of Grass by Carl Sandburg and Silence by Marianne Moore
The two poems, Grass by Carl Sandburg and Silence by Marianne Moore talk about key issues that address the common themes of superiority. Though Marianne Moore talks about the element of superiority in a direct context, Carl Sandburg attempts to address the soldiers of their superiority elements through a narration and a requirement of what they should do once they are in the battle field. According to these two poems, there is an element of greatness and superiority that is attached to their context. Marianne Moore explains what a father says about a superior man. The poet implies that silence is always the best option for a thrill or a disappointment in life. Carls Sandburg on the other hand talks about the requirements of a soldier. The poet states the qualities required of a soldier like piling up the bodies in the battle field. This essay elaborates the comparison and contrast of the two poems based on their view point of superiority.
In both poems, the poets describe the ways of gaining superiority. In the Grass by Carl Sandburg, there is an explanation of the ways in which the soldiers should be responding to the matters in the battlefield. This factor is an explanation of the key issues that may be affecting the ways in which heroism is attained. The grass that is assumed to be the speaker in the poem explains to the soldiers of their duties in the battlefield such as piling up the bodies. Shovelling the bodies underground is also another aspect of the battlefield that has been narrated towards the establishment of an effective soldier quality. From the information, Carl Sandburg establishes some of the key qualities that may be necessary for an elegant soldier in the battlefield. The silence by Marianne Moore also describes some of the some of the characteristics of a superior person. The poet also highlights that superior people do not stay too long when they go for visits. They also imply that superior people do not need to be taken out for sightseeing. According to this elaboration, a similarity can be established in the view point of heroism portrayed by the two poets. Their contexts are similar in that they establish ways in which a hero is suppose to undertake their activities. Though the heroism compares the battlefield context and the element of superiority, there is a similarity in the guidelines used.
The forms and meter used in both poems also show some similarities in the two poems. They are both subject to free verse. There is an implication that there are no rhyme schemes or meters that exist in both poems. Though Marianne portrays forms and meter in sonnet’s clothing, it can be stated that there is an extent of similarity in the nature of free verse and meter applied. From this implication, the rhyme scheme and meter of the poems cannot be directed towards uniformity. They skip the aspect of flow to describe the unique ways in which the superiority aspects of life between soldiers and superior people are determined.
The speakers of the poems also have some similarities under different contexts. From the information inherent in this perspective, it can be implied that speakers of these poems do not show reality of human beings. The grass and silence are considered the speakers in the two poems. This aspect shows sarcastic approach in the nature of the speaker. The grass serves as the speaker in that they show the ways in which the soldiers should be behaving in the battle field. According to this perspective, there is an irony in terms of the ways in which the speakers are presented. First, it can be evaluated if the grass can speak or not. In the second poem, silence is the speaker. In the poem, it is also stated that the silence has a father. This aspect is also sarcastic in that the speaker has no correlation with the human emotion and feelings. In this context, there is a similarity in the manner in which the speakers of the poems have been presented.
The contrast between the two poems
There are some key differences that are shown in the manner in which the poems are presented. The settings and the ways in which the themes are positioned in the poems show some differences. This section highlights some of the key differences that exist between the two poems. The setting is one of the differences shown in the poem. In the grass by Carl, the setting takes on the real battlefields. It portrays both the pre and after war settings that may possibly a...
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