Evaluating Cyber Security incidents through ethical theories of Deontology, Utilitarianism, and Natural Rights (Coursework Sample)
This sample is about ethics. The task was to research and find a current (within the last six months ) cyber crime/cyber security incident/issue and evaluate the scenario through 3 ethical theories (of my choice). I chose deontology, utilitarianism and NATURAL rights ethical theories.
Please not that I chose Social sciences as the social area of this paper since there was none that matched the the ideal subject area. Kindly note FURTHER that there are also other samples with the same issue. Thank you
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Evaluating Cyber Security incidents through ethical theories of Deontology, Utilitarianism, and Natural Rights
There are many incidents of cybersecurity crimes in government institutions, companies, organizations, and private entities. More than 100 cases of data breach have been reported within the last six months (Mello). The emergence and ensuing prevalence data breaches present the opportunity to interrogate and evaluate the place of ethics in the contemporary world. The incident where a hacker exposed the private information of five Republican Senators in an attempt to influence the nomination of Supreme Court Judge is one example of the events connected with cybersecurity and considered unethical from the ethical theories of deontology, utilitarianism, and natural rights.
On June 19, 2019, a former Congressional aide Jackson Cosko was sentenced for four years by a federal court for leaking personal information belonging to State Majority leader Mitch McConnell, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Orrin Hatch, and Mike Lee. With the help of his ex-girlfriend, Samantha Davis, who is also a former Democratic State staff member, Cosko stole the contents of the legislator’s computer, including phone numbers and home addresses, and posted them to the internet. The leak happened at a time of nomination of Brett Kavanaugh as Justice in the United States Supreme Court. The motivation behind the leakage of the legislators’ contact was to influence the outcome of the nomination process (Mello n.p). This incident is an unethical practice that fails to live to the expectation of the society.
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