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What Is Space Social Sciences Coursework Research Paper (Coursework Sample)


i was tasked to elucidate on what space is from kant's DEPOSITION


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Course; Philosophy
What is Space?
The questions on what space is, its nature or its existence have been the subject of discussion and study by renowned philosophers and scientist in the past years. Isaac Newton equates space to a self-contained system with objects in it. Leibniz defines space as the relationship that exists between objects which is not an independent reality. However, the two philosopher’s ideas are different from what Kant hypothesizes. This essay, therefore, attempts to deduce and extensively explain Kant’s depiction of space supported by arguments on metaphysical exposition.
The knowledge in metaphysics is what Kant refers to as "synthetic a priori knowledge." Therefore, it is clear that synthetic a priori knowledge is pertinent to what Kant portrays in his philosophy. The existing dissimilarities between empirical knowledge and a priori knowledge plus the differences in both synthetic judgments and analytic judgments explain the whole idea of metaphysical knowledge which is a forerunner in explaining Kant’s definition of space. He defines empirical knowledge as knowledge originating from or is justified by, appeal to the senses. This, therefore, means that day-to-day knowledge is a case of empirical knowledge. Nonetheless, all kinds of scientific knowledge are also rendered empirical since they are backed up by a lot of experimental evidence which relies on our senses. A Priori knowledge in its case is the knowledge that is not warranted approval of our senses. 

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