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Evaluation of a Campaign. Social Sciences Coursework (Coursework Sample)


Evaluation of a Campaign


Evaluation of a Campaign
PART 1. Evaluating the IMC Campaign
1 PROBLEM/CHALENGE/OPPORTUNITY: IMC campaigns are designed to resolve a specific problem, challenge or pursue an opportunity. Briefly provide an overview of the situation followed by a problem statement. (Reason for the Campaign).
Lyft is a cab hailing service looking to open shop in Metro Vancouver. The recent ride sharing legalization gives the cab application service provider a wider market to thrive on. With a keen eye on competition and what the competition had to offer, Lyft looks into personalizing the rides and making the lives of the local people much simpler.
Problem Statement: Metro Vancouver is a relatively wet town and it has a variety of very ‘hot’ meals to sample. It is not all the time that one is able to drive or access their car with reference to the conditions at hand. Lyft swings into action to fill the gap and offer cab services at the convenience of the local people despite the weather, location or destination points.
2 Profile the Target Audience: Summarize including VALS/Opinions/Attitude/Belief/Reference Group.
Metro Vancouver is a fairly small town and the idea of having a number of stops in one trip does not seem practical. Lyft seeks to make it a realistic vision allow the riders to access a number of food joints all at the convenience of an app. 

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