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Correlation Quantitative Concept Paper Education Dissertation Writing (Dissertation Sample)


The paper needs to have these sections:
Complete the introduction, research question(s), and purpose, need or rationale for your quantitative concept paper.
Introduction – Include the setting for your research and describe the problem in 1-2 sentences (problem statement).
Research Questions – State 1 to 3 questions you want to research. You must also include two hypotheses for every research question.
My questions are:
What is the correlation between the cumulative GPA, amount of previous education, student age on entering the program, student race or ethnicity on the first attempt of the RHIT exam? (separate these into a research question for each)
What is the correlation with the mock exam scores and the actual exam scores?
What were the factors students identify as correlating with their success on the exam? (likert scale for quantitative analysis).
Purpose, Need, or Rationale – Explain the “why” of your study by clearly stating the issue and potential outcome and how your research will contribute to the current theory.
Complete the literature review for your quantitative concept paper. For the literature review: Select 10-12 peer-reviewed articles which provide a brief summary of current knowledge regarding the topic. Appropriate citations and APA formatting should be evident. Appropriate subheadings should also be used if warranted. It should not be annotated. It should be synthesized.
Complete the research design portion of your quantitative concept paper. Research design: Describe the research design, who or what type of data will be gathered, and how it will be analyzed. Be as specific as possible. This answers the how of the study, what actual steps will be taken to gather information (methodology). Alignment All elements of the dissertation require alignment. The research problem statement should align with the purposes or reason for the study. This creates a rationale for selecting the research design as a way to answer the questions posted. Complete 1 to 2 paragraphs, establishing a clear relationship between the elements.
References Develop the References page for your quantitative concept paper. The reference entries follow APA formatting, listing all the resources used in the literature review.
I am attaching my earlier draft of the concept paper which will give you some of the information above to include but most of the references are different. I have attached 11 references I would like to have included in this paper.


RHIT Exam Success Rate
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
RHIT Exam Success Rate
This study aims to identify the factors that influence examination success rate when testing for credentials in national Registered Health Information Technician RHIT. Data will be obtained from more than one learning institution to complete the study. The institutions selected for review should be accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Health Informatics and Information Management (CAHIM). Students will test for the RHIT after completing an associate degree program while in their final term. This research paper, will investigate the factors that influenced the RHIT results and how they can be improved to promote positive outcome.
The study setting is based in Portland Community College (PCC) within the department of health information management. Notably, PCC qualifies to be involved in this study because it offers accredited programs recognized by CAHIM. Being an accredited program, graduates can easily take RHIT examination as well as participate in entry-level work with hospitals offering the health information management program (Robi, 2017). Moreover, the success rate for most graduates at PCC is often higher since they pass the exams at the first attempt. The scores are also high based on the national average for every given domain (Robi, 2017). Therefore, the study will obtain data using an alternative program that has low scores and low first-time passing rate in order to establish the factors that influence success in the RHIT exams.
Over the years, hospitals have undergone great transformations that have changed the ways in which they operate. In particular, departments formerly known as medical records were renamed to health information management due to increased number of responsibilities caused by the introduction of electronic health records. To that extent, RHIT credentials have become major requirements for hospitals seeking to recruit employees in positions above entry-level. Furthermore, RHIT program is preferable for medical coders at the entry level over coding certificate programs. The credentials are also a major requirement for an increase in job opportunities, salaries, and status quo.

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