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Expertise Selling Consultancy Business & Marketing Dissertation (Dissertation Sample)


A Case Study Investigation into Value Creation within Expertise Selling Consulting


A Case Study Investigation into Value Creation within Expertise Selling Consulting
Student Name: Matthew Nand-Lal
Student Number: N0422762
Programme Name: Business Studies (BA)
Research Supervisor: John Fredericks
Module Name: Research Project
March 2016
Word Count: 6476
Submitted in fulfilment of a Bachelor of Arts in Business at Nottingham Trent University
I declare that I have personally prepared this article and that it has not in whole or part been submitted for any other degree or qualification. Nor has it appeared in whole or part in any textbook, journal or any other document previously published or produced for any other purpose. The work described here is my own, carried out personally unless otherwise stated. All sources of information, including quotations are acknowledged by means of reference.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Senior Lecturer John Fredericks at Nottingham Business School for his professional guidance and excellent support throughout the process of writing this Research Project. I would also like to extend my thanks to Consulting Solutions, the case study Expertise Selling Consulting organisation that assisted with the collection of data and offered their time to help with this project.
This paper explores where and how value is created within Expertise Selling Consulting. Initially, a literature review has given an understanding of the generic value creation concepts and principles being used within service and consulting sectors. To understand how these are applied, primary research into a case study organisation, carried out using the storytelling approach, allows an insight into how these generic concepts apply specifically to Expertise Selling Consulting. In particular, specific examples have been identified of where and how client value has been created in such organisations. The research carried out has found two key approaches used by Expertise Selling Consultancies to create client value; the first of these is that on a transactional basis through the use of Knowledge Management approaches in the sense of managing resources and activities. Secondly, the development of client/consultant relationships allow for the construction of sustained systems of interactions and, as a result, value.

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