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Mytona organisation (Essay Sample)

Mytona is a technical company that specializes in the development of mobile games. The work aimed at addressing challenges that hinders The effective running of the Mytona organization .Some of the challenges include the high turnover rates,difficulty in attracting top talents among others.The work also highlights strategies put in places by the company to manage these challenges. source..
Mytona Organisation Name Institutional affiliation Course Instructor Date Mytona Organisation Mytona is a technical company that specializes in the development of mobile games. The company is in a competitive market, striving to create innovative and engaging gaming experiences for its users. The company mission and motto Mytona’s vision and motto are “making the world a happier place through our games.” The company has innovative strategies that enable it to keep striving for new heights and creating new future hits. The company aims to be the leading company in the industry to create more fun games for consumers. The company's prime goal is to supply happiness in the world through gaming services it continuously develops through its capable team. The company has a flat hierarchy structure that fosters collaboration and an agile working environment. It has a diverse workforce, including game developers, designers, marketers, and support staff, who work collaboratively to enhance the users' experience. The challenges that the organization is facing. The effective running of the Mytona organization is hindered by various factors that include; High turnover rate. The organization is facing high turnover rates because it lacks career development. Lack of career development results in employees feeling stagnant in their roles. The work-life balance issue. The demanding work schedule, which does not support staff personal time, also contributes to staff turnover. Turnover has a significant impact on the organization's culture and productivity. Frequent turnover destabilizes team dynamics and erodes morale in the Mytona Company, hence affecting productivity and cohesion (Mytona, 2024). When the morale of the staff is diminished, productivity goes down. This results in the organization becoming less competitive in the global market. When the vast turnover rate is not effectively addressed, the organization is likely to fall and lose potential talents. Difficulty in attracting top talent. The competition in the gaming industry is very stiff, making it challenging for the organization to attract top talents. Many gaming companies are striving to attract top talent. The company gives Mytona challenges to regular strategies on making itself unique from the rest, delaying its pace. Larger companies may offer more enticing compensation packages or benefits, making it very challenging for Mytona to compete for the top talent effectively. The people's perception of the Mytona Company also greatly impacts its ability to attract top talent (Mytona, 2024). Sometimes, potential candidates perceive Mytona Company as a tiny organization that lacks enough resources or prestige of industry giants, hence affecting the willingness to join. When the organization fails to attract top talents, it becomes less competitive, losing its influence in the global market. Attracting top talents is vital because it enables an organization to access diverse knowledge and skills, facilitating its creativity and innovation strategies that make it more unique and competitive in the industry. Therefore, the Mytona organization experiences much pressure trying to develop strategies that will enable it to continue attracting top talent. Skill gap. With the advancement in technology, the gaming industry is experiencing many changes and innovations. According to Bulut (2020), recent gaming industries have more advanced games that require specialized skills such as AI programming, VR development, or data analytics. This change creates a gap in the existing talent tool in the Mytona organization. The organization needs to come up with new strategies and plans to adopt the new trending gaming that is very costly. The organization also faces challenges of continuously adapting its workforce's skill set to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving industry, as the whole process may require additional resources (Mytona, 2024). With the increased competition, the Mytona organization needs to invest heavily in employee training and development to bridge the skill gap. Therefore, the organization must have enough resources to equip staff with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in emerging areas. This poses a considerable challenge for the organization as it may not have sufficient resources to subject the staff to regular training. We are attracting and selecting the right talent. The following fundamental components can fuel the selection and attraction of the right talents in Mytona Company. The organization's strategic and operational goals. Strategic and operational goals are essential to the organization. According to Philip (2007), the role of the strategic goal is to define the organization's long-term direction, while the operational goals focus on the organization's day-to-day activities. The operational goals may focus on the short-term achievement in the organization, for instance, what needs to be completed in a day, while the strategic goals focus on what is achieved after a long duration, maybe months or a year. Mytona should align its strategic and operational goals to ensure that the organization moves in the right direction. The strategic and operational goals have the following advantages to the organization. The clarity of the direction. The goal helps the employees understand what they need to achieve, hence enhancing the smooth running of the organization. The Mytona Company should ensure that the employees work towards achieving specific goals. The organization must regularly monitor their performance to ensure it aligns with the set goals. Enhances focus. Strategic and operational goals enable organizations to direct resources toward achieving organizational goals (Heras‐Saizarbitoria et al., 2022). The company should, therefore, ensure that each goal is allocated sufficient resources for the outcome to be productive—measurable outcome. The goals also enable an organization to measure its performance. It is easier, for instance, for an organization to know the performance of each employee by giving them daily targeting and assessing the outcome at the end of the day (Philip, 2007). The strategic goals enable an organization to measure the miles it has moved after a specific duration. Besides the advantages, there are also various disadvantages, which include Rigidity. Each organization has strategies for working towards achieving its goals. However, the over-emphasis on the goal may make it difficult to adapt to new changes. Sometimes, uncertainty may occur, which calls for immediate changes; this is difficult in an organization that has fully emphasized the goal—narrow focus. Concentrating on a specific goal is also dangerous as it may lead to neglecting other vital aspects. The HR philosophy/ideology/strategy/planning The HR philosophy, strategies, and planning are also fundamental components of the organization. According to the research, the HR philosophy guides the organization on how to manage human capital. The strategies and the plan give approaches the organization can use to achieve the HR objective in line with the organizational goals. The HR Philosophy, strategy, and planning have various advantages to the company. First, it enhances talent retention. According to Joseph (2003), a strong HR philosophy creates a positive organizational work culture. Adopting a solid HR philosophy will enhance customer satisfaction, leading to their retention. Retaining customers will result in increased productivity and the success of the organization. Secondly, it facilitates strategic alignment. Strategic alignment is vital to the success of an organization. The HR strategies ensure that the company resources are well managed and used to achieve organizational goals. Thirdly, it enhances Adaptability. HR planning will enable the company to quickly adjust to the workforce's needs based on the changes in the external environment. However, despite the advantages, HR philosophy, strategy, and planning can also hurt the Mytona Company in various ways, and the company may experience implementation challenges. The implementation of the strategy may face resistance from the existing organizational culture. The workforce may refuse to adjust to the new changes, making the process ineffective—additionally, the resource intensiveness. Developing and implementing the HR strategy may call for more time and resources. The employment relationships and the psychological contract. The employment relation is the interaction between the employers and the employees. Positive relations enhance productivity and success in the organization. The psychological contract, on the other hand, refers to the unwritten agreement and the obligation between the employers and the employees in the organization (Aqil et al., 2023). Enhancing quality relationship psychological contracts will have the following advantages for the organization. It will enhance Trust and commitment. Psychological contracts enhance positive relationships and engagement between employers and employees (Shanahan et al., 2023). As a result, the employees commit themselves to their work, increasing productivity. When Mytona builds trust with the staff, they will be motivated to work extra hours. It will also build Mutual understanding. According to Shanahan & Smith (2023), a positive employee relationship makes it easier for the organization to address all the challenges and misunderstandings, hence fostering a collaborative working spirit. However, besides the advantage, it is also likely that the employee's relationship and psychological contract have the potential for a breach. According to Aqil et al. (2023), the misalignment of expectations may create breaches in the psychological contracts, which may negatively affect the relationship between the employers and the employees. Organizational and HRM content The human resources and the organizational con...
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