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obstacles to the widespread use of artificial blood (Essay Sample)

"What obstacles are limiting the widespread utilization of artificial blood in medicine? Examine the significant challenges and their implications for the development and integration of artificial blood products in healthcare." "What obstacles are limiting the widespread utilization of artificial blood in medicine? Examine the significant challenges and their implications for the development and integration of artificial blood products in healthcare." source..
Obstacles To the Widespread Use of Artificial Blood Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Obstacles To the Widespread Use of Artificial Blood Artificial blood has a lot of potential to save the lives instead of regular blood transfusions. But there are a lot of things that make it hard for a lot of people to use, like worries about toxicity, high costs, limited technology, and the difficult testing and approval process. Concerns about the toxicity are a big reason why artificial blood isn't widely used. It is hard to make sure that the artificial blood components are safe and don't cause the bad reactions in people body. Artificial blood must be put through a lot of tests and evaluations to make sure they are safe to use. The high cost of making this is another big problem. Creating artificial blood requires a lot of complicated steps and the special materials which brings up the cost of the production. The ability of artificial blood is to make money is a key factor in determining its availability to more people after getting past these cost problems. The progress towards the widespread implementation is also challenged by the technological limitations. It's difficult to match the natural blood's oxygen delivery capacity while controlling the oxygen release. Exhausted the artificial blood out of the human body without leading it to the clotting is another technological challenge for this experiment. The rigorous drug and medical device testing and approval process is another obsta...
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