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Change Management Executive Letter (Essay Sample)

Change Management Executive Letter Instructions Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate mastery of the following competencies: • Develop a workforce • Propose an operating plan • Justify organizational change Scenario You are an HR consultant, contracted by the VP of an LLC in Wilmington, Delaware, to solve their internal challenges. This U.S. office is a branch of a larger Singaporean software solutions organization that has a total of 140 employees and generates $20M in revenue per year. The CEO of this organization, headquartered in Singapore, wants to explore new markets in the United States, gain access to new customers, diversify risk, leverage resources, and increase profits. Unfortunately, the newly formed U.S. branch has been facing several problems from the beginning. • Employees at the call center and the sales and marketing division are disengaged and emotionally fatigued due to contradictory communication between the branch’s leadership and the leadership at the Singaporean headquarters. • The branch team members feel frustrated and undervalued as a result of conflicting feedback from their VP and management team. • Messages from leadership lack consistency, especially regarding policies and practices related to human resources. • There is no training for team members. • Communication problems between the Singaporean headquarters and U.S. branch are resulting in low employee morale. Overall, the standard operating procedures (SOP) followed successfully at the headquarters in Singapore could not be replicated at the U.S. branch. As a result, the CEO’s vision of successfully furthering expansion into the U.S. market remains unfulfilled. Your goal as an HR consultant is to create a change management toolkit that includes the following: • A needs assessment or change readiness audit • An organizational change management plan • A change management communication plan • A letter recommending strategies to ensure that the changes and their benefits are retained To create the toolkit, you will compile your work from Milestones One and Two. So far, you have completed your change readiness audit and created a change management plan. Now, you will record and share a presentation to demonstrate your change management communication plan. This plan should include your recommendations for workforce development techniques and how you plan to communicate these to employees and leadership of the U.S. branch, as well as leadership at the Singaporean headquarters. It is not enough to implement change successfully; efforts should also be made to sustain the change. You must also write an executive letter to the VP of the U.S. branch, recommending strategies and best practices to ensure that the changes are implemented and maintained. Directions A. Executive Letter Write an executive letter to the VP of the U.S. branch recommending a strategy and best practices for sustaining the change efforts. Specifically, you must address the following criteria: 1. Recommend one strategy for evaluating the business impact of change. a. How can they sustain change efforts through performance management? 2. Recommend two best practices for ensuring new skills are applied on the job. a. Include at least one reinforcement technique leadership can use to sustain change. What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: Executive Letter Submit 2-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Supporting Materials The following resources support your work on the milestone submissions and the project: 1. Case for Change Guide: This document will provide you with instructions on what to include in the change readiness report. 2. Employee Engagement Surveys: This document presents the results of the most recent employee engagement survey. 3. Exit Interviews: This document presents the views of employees who voluntarily left the company. 4. Forms of Resistance Grid: The infographic presents the forms of resistance that learners can use as a reference to identify forms of resistance in the change readiness report. 5. Leaders’ Self-Evaluations: This document includes self-evaluations drafted by managers, which is part of the performance management process. 6. U.S. Branch Overview: This document provides data regarding the U.S. branch’s financial position and structure. 7. Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals: This will include the CEO’s compelling vision as translated by the VP. source..
[Your Name] Change Management Consultant [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] 8/28/2023 Vice President (VP) U.S. Branch Techwave: I.T. Consulting Services & Solutions 13501 Katy Fwy Suite 1000, Houston, TX 77079, USA Subject: Enhancing Sustainability and Success through Effective Change Management Strategies Dear Vice President, I hope you are doing well as I write to you. I wanted to establish a plan and best practices to assure the sustained success and sustainability of the current transformation initiatives as our collaboration moves towards improving the internal dynamics of the U.S. Branch, Techwave: I.T. Consulting Services & Solutions. We want to do more than introduce new ideas; we want to make them part of the company's fabric, leading to higher enthusiasm and productivity among workers. Strategy for Evaluating Business Impact and Sustaining Change Efforts: Performance Management An integrated performance management system is one approach to measuring the change's effect on the company and maintaining these efforts over time. Aligning individual and team goals with company goals promotes a culture of responsibility and progress via performance management. The following are some suggestions I have for putting this plan into action: * Precise Goal Alignment: Set up a system where the V.P. communicates the CEO's vision, then individual and team objectives follow suit. This harmony fosters a feeling of mission and helps workers see how their efforts fit into the bigger picture. * Regular Check-ins: Facilitate frequent one-on-one meetings between staff and managers. Progress, difficulties, and prospects for growth are all appropriate topics for these talks (McCarthy & Eastman, 2021). These get-togethers encourage an atmosphere of openness and provide a forum for addressing issues as soon as they are noticed. * Performance Reviews: Conduct thorough performance assessments that acknowledge strengths, point out weaknesses, and provide suggestions for improvement. Employees should feel comfortable enough to provide their thoughts on the success of the new policies and procedures during these evaluations. * Skill Gap Analysis: Integrate evaluations of skill gaps into the performance evaluation process (Dey et al., 2022). Determine what workers need to learn or improve to adopt new methods and technology successfully. * Performance Metrics: Create KPIs that measure how the company is doing regarding essential metrics like customer retention, employee happiness, and revenue growth after implementing changes. The success of change projects may be gauged by tracking and analyzing these data regularly. Best Practices for Ensuring Application of New Skills and Sustaining Change: * Structured On-the-Job Training: Incorporate organized training programs into the workplace to help people practice their newly acquired abilities (Passmore et al., 2019). These programs should include mentorship, work shadowing, and cross-functional exposure to improve practical applicability. * Recognition and Reinforcement: Employees who use their newfound abilities to drive change should be recognized and rewarded (Cameron & Green, 2019). Make it a habit to publicly or privately thank them for their efforts at team meetings, internal communications, or other settings. Reinforcement Technique for Leadership: Leadership can maintain change by adopting the "Lead by Examp...
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