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Writer's choice (Essay Sample)

Do you think that using flextime, telecommuting, job sharing, or compressed workweeks is really going to motivate employees? Why, or why not? Also, are there situations in which working in teams might be demotivating? How could this occur? How much overtime is reasonable in a week? How long can the company expect workers to continue to work overtime before they see employee stress levels getting significantly higher than normal? AI content will be rejected outrightly, and heavily fined! source..
Workplace Student Full Name Institutional Affiliation Course Full Title Instructor Full Name Due Date Workplace Using flextime, telecommuting, job sharing, or compressed work weeks will motivate employees because they allow workplace flexibility. The post-pandemic digital economy has accelerated the workplace's evolution in terms of structuring work arrangements. Employers who want to motivate their staff must now provide better work flexibility. Teams want more freedom in how they work and collaborate with each other (Jiang et al., 2023). Flextime, telecommuting, job sharing, and compressed work weeks provide worker autonomy and motivate teams to be more productive. In some situations, working in teams might be demotivating, especially if the workplace feels hierarchical, stagnant, and uninspired. Some root causes of team members' demotivation include unrealistic goals, unclear objectives, lack of recognition, inadequate feedback, and interpersonal conflicts. Working in teams where the leader does not provide realistic goals does not clearly communicate the objectives, or even fails to give sufficient feedback or recognition will be demotivating. Similarly, unresolved interpersonal issues between team members would contribute to a demotivating work environment. 7 hours of overtime are reasonable in a week. The average employee works 45 hours a week, although general working hours can extend to 52 hours per week. The company can expect workers to continue working overtime for 10 hours before they see employee stress levels getting significantly higher. Employees working 10 hours overtime a week are susceptible to burnout. Logging more work time can be seen as something positive since it communicates employee commitment to the job. However, working 10 hours overtime a week denies employees the essential work-life ba...
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