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Revitalizing a Brand (Essay Sample)

Read the case study titled Revitalizing a Brand [PDF]. Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research the branding and communication strategies of one health services organization that is similar to the health services organizations mentioned in the case study. Develop a PowerPoint Presentation with a minimum of 14 slides. The 14-slide minimum includes the title slides and sources slides. Please note that PowerPoint slides must include detailed speaker notes. For more information on creating effective PowerPoint slides, please review this video: Five Essentials for Designing Effective Slides. For more information on using speaker notes, please review this video: Use Speaker Notes in PowerPoint. The PowerPoint slides should include the following information: A description of current marketing communication, identity, and brand position of Plaza Home Health Services. A detailed SWOT analysis associated with current marketing communication, identity, and brand position of Plaza Home Health Services. An assessment of the importance of benchmarking in Plaza Home Health Services’ development and implementation of an effective brand strategy (marketing communication, identity, and brand position). A comparison of branding and communication strategies of a similar health services organization with that of Plaza Home Health Services. Determine whether Plaza Home Health Services should apply additional best practices into its current branding and communication strategies. Provide a rationale and support for your response. Use five sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source slide at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides. source..
Revitalizing a Brand Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code: Subject’s Title Instructor’s Name Assignment Date of Submission Revitalizing a Brand Marketing communication, brand identity, and position play important roles in healthcare systems' performance across the world. Customers' preferences in healthcare provider choice are shaped by brand identities and the perceptions they conceive of these systems (Buil, et al., 2015). Therefore, effective communication is necessary for ensuring competitive advantages. Plaza Home Health Services is one company that seeks to improve its brand identity and its general brand position in the market. An evaluation by co-owners established that their communication strategies in their previous operation periods acted as a significant impediment to such vision. They first identified their brand identity and realized that they capitalized on provision of high-quality services and maintained professional styles in customer interaction which significantly influenced their brand position. In a bid to evaluate their chances of success, the presentation undertook a SWOT analysis to determine internal strengths and weaknesses compared to external opportunities and threats. The results indicated that the current communication strategies employed were inefficient to help realize their dream. However, the research identified existing opportunities in content marketing, such as social media, that would help push the company's agenda to a larger audience. The research also reviewed other means of improving the brand identity and positioning through benchmarking efforts. The processes involve continuous improvement in service delivery by comparing metrics to those of the competitors in establishing the best practices to adopt CITATION Bal16 \l 1033 (Balamurugan & Poongodi, 2016). The benefits of this initiative would be revitalizing the branding strategies by identifying effective means of marketing communication. Finally, the researcher compared the performance of Plaza Home Health Services to that of a similar organization. Emerald H...
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