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Aviation Safety Management (Essay Sample)

Implementation of Safety Measures in the Aviation Industry there will be extensive research on how developed safety systems can be of help to the industry. The aviation industry is the pillar of any nation economy. The main reason been that it is the entry point and exit point of a nation; both to its citizens and commercial goods source..
Aviation Safety Management Name Institution Implementation of Safety Measures in the Aviation Industry In today's aviation industry, the environment is well regulated. The industry players are required to comply with an enormous number of regulations and standards, thus making it a complex industry to deal with (Frenkel, 2009). It is through this proposal that we can simply the process of the players in the industry to comply with the regulations. This will therefore help them to be effective when it comes to complying with regulators and external auditors managing the aviation industry (Frenkel, 2009). To the organizations that want to maintain compliance and improving the safety of the aviation industry, this proposal will be of great help. There is a need for organizations to reduce the risk of non compliance while improving the safety outcomes. Safety measures need to be easy to implement, use and exceptionally flexible. In this proposal, there will be extensive research on how developed safety systems can be of help to the industry. The aviation industry is the pillar of any nation economy. The main reason been that it is the entry point and exit point of a nation; both to its citizens and commercial goods (Frenkel, 2009). It is through ensuring the safety of their economical goods that the economy of a nation will be able to grow. The following are some of the things that the proposal will be covering to ensure that safety measures are implemented in this industry. They include: risk management and assurance, promotion and government policies (Frenkel, 2009). In the end of this proposal, it can be used as a tool for formal process and structures that can control the daily risk...
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