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Communication Strategy of Dell Computer Cooperation (Essay Sample)

This paper discusses the significance of a communication strategy for organizations to realize their communication goals. It highlights that a good communication strategy involves goal setting, planning, and addressing the right audience, transforming a company's product or service into a brand. It shows Dell's innovative communication strategy, which uses rapid-response systems to deal with market challenges such as competition and technological advancements. Dell uses the internet in real-time customer and supplier communication, which shortens cycle times and improves effectiveness, customer satisfaction, and employee motivation. The text also talks about how these strategies can be implemented in other workplaces; however, this is only sometimes possible, especially for complex chains like food companies. source..
Communication Strategy of Dell Computer Cooperation Student’s Name Institution Professor Course Date Communication Strategy Communication strategy involves a plan that helps an organization obtain a communication objective. It has several elements, including setting the goals of communicating, formulating a plan, and selecting the target market. It empowers an organization to have a scheme of planning for effectively sharing the information. Communication strategy can also be termed a guide that helps an organization change its service or product into a brand by adhering to communication objectives to realize business objectives. A company's communication strategy allows it to define the goals and audience and articulate the brand messages to the consumers or team members. Developing an effective communication strategy within the organization requires branding and the internet. The internet will provide a modern approach, and branding will offer an idea of the brand's mission and vision. Summary of the Communication Strategy Cushman & King (2012) discuss how innovative communication processes have helped Dell Computer Cooperation resolve the issue of economic forces, which dramatically affects the company's performance. The topics addressed include unexpected competition, quick market saturation, and rapid technological advances. These issues demanded a novel management theory according to rapid changes in the environment, changing customer necessities, and competitions' adaptation to such requirements. The economic forces in the cooperation led to the rise of the innovative High-Speed Management Communication theory, which emphasizes on the utilization of telecommunication, highly well-crafted messages, and computers to deliver a rapid-response system adjusted to customers’ wants and rival produces. The top reason for Cushman & King (2012) holds that reducing the cycle time at Dell supports its products or services to market, which produces several benefits. For instance, reducing the company's cycle time produces increases output, market shares, quality, commitment, profit, supervision, customer satisfaction, and worker motivation. The second reason holds that improving the cooperation's communication processes is essential to reduce the company's cycle time. For instance, Cushman & King (2012) maintains that General Electric implemented this system between consumers and supervisors, which minimizes the cycle time GE took in reacting to particular consumer wants. Analysis of the Communication Strategy The company’s rapid-response systems have resulted to panic, appreciation, and efforts at synthetic among the rivals and other online businesses. The company has four rapid-response systems where every structure utilizes the internet to deliver a real-time communication system for connecting significant shareholders into an active community. Dell has a rapid-response sales connection to its consumers as a first choice of the four rapid-response systems. This system permits clients to order and trace their purchases over every phase of the manufacturing and delivery process. Using Internet home pages and mail catalogs will enable clients to network openly with the organization and modify their orders to meet their exclusive needs (Cushman & King, 2012). The interactive communication processes have helped the company maintain interpersonal relations with the clients and familiarize its products quickly to shifting consumer needs. Dell cooperation has a rapid-response system for delivering consumer service. It can be easily opened by telephone or computer for individual or computerized technical and consumer provision in handling computer difficulties. The service interaction helps Dell to caution clients of probable problems, create clear difficult adjustment practices, and acquire tools and employee routine in manufacture and assembly. The company also has a rapid-response system for connecting dealers, employees, supervisors, and consumers to its value chain. This system is used to purchase equipment parts, manufacture and contract out modules of computer, and direct assemblage and delivery of products to consumers. Dell's value-chain system in the organization sets the standards for quality in reaction time and quality of product in the PC industry. The last one is a rapid-response system for the constant development of all company deeds, which leads the PC industry in a better performance every year (Cushman & King, 2012). However, the use of a rapid-response system faces significant problems due to transitory targets that adjust as consumer necessities, rivals' preferences, and new implementation processes developed. To be more operational, the organization must undertake substantial updating to meet changes that require management's help. Integration Techn...
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