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Overview of Personal Interests, Historical Analysis, and Interpretations (Essay Sample)

If I had to choose my all-time history movie, I would rather select The Last Kingdom. This movie presents perhaps one of the most interesting ways of looking at the Viking invasions and the creation of England. The appeal of historical facts, allied with elements of an enthralling dramatic saga, spice up the depiction of this volatile period, setting it apart from most 'historical dramas'. source..
Overview of Personal Interests, Historical Analysis, and Interpretations Affiliation Course Instructor Due date Task 01 Hi everyone! Hello, everyone; I am Alejandro Rivera. Let's get started on our interactions. Birdwatching is one of the significant activities that I do during my leisure time. Nothing is more calming than looking at numerous birds and determining which type is which. Birdwatching is my favourite hobby because it lets me be one with nature and observe the specifics of birds throughout. It has always been a hobby of waiting and watching, as well as the thrill of hunting games. My second primary interest is history, focusing on the historical period in the Middle. This period, which many people call the Dark Ages, is regarded as one of the most qualitative changes that Overtook Europe after the fall of the Western part of the Roman Empire and before the Renaissance. It witnessed the appearance of feudalism, Christianity and the gradual formation of the modern state in Europe. Instead of being a static age, it set the foundations of several features characteristic of present-day European society. If I had to choose my all-time history movie, I would rather select The Last Kingdom. This movie presents perhaps one of the most interesting ways of looking at the Viking invasions and the creation of England. The appeal of historical facts, allied with elements of an enthralling dramatic saga, spice up the depiction of this volatile period, setting it apart from most 'historical dramas'. Task 02 The beliefs of ancient Mesoamerican peoples are still a mystery to this day; the pre-Columbian civilizations of North America were also different from each other and remained an enigma in their ways. The Ancestral Pueblo of the Southwest, who are credited with magnificent cliff dwellings and kiva ceremonies, engaged in efficient farming in the water-scarce region they occupied. For their survival, their structures of living together with other people and managing resources were critical to them. On the other hand, the Iroquois Confederacy in Eastern Woodlands had an elaborate political structure which had democratic parts in it, which, in a way, helped to shape early American political thinking. Their houses and meetings also showed that their management of issues was in line with the community's welfare and harmony. The Tlingit and Haida, who lived on the Pacific Northwest Coast, focussed on fishing and wood sculpture and produced totem poles with deep religious and cultural functions. Different societies' conformity to their environment and those achievements' continued influence demonstrate their resilience. It is essential to note that before the Europeans started exploring the world, slavery was not associated with colour; instead, they used social ranking and victories in wars, among others, as a basis for enslavement, as witnessed in Ancient Greek and Roman societies. The concept of race differing from the relation to slavery took a new shift with the transatlantic slave trade. The Europeans started bringing in a racial aspect to slavery by regarding the Africans as right for this sort of job because of their assumed racial characteristics. This racialization also extended into colonial economies and socia...
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