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Strategic Communication Plan (Essay Sample)

Your assignment will be assessed using the following rubric: Grammar, including wordiness, punctuation, spelling, mechanics: /20 Appropriate tone (conversational word choice): /20 Evidence of using writing strategies: /25 Logic established with headings and data order, formatting: /20 Visual(s) are original and depict quantitative data: /15 Total: /100 A communication plan outlines a comprehensive method for a business or company to get a specific message out to a target audience. The message can be a marketing or sales campaign, or it can be a message that is required should there be an anticipated problem that arises either during a project or an incident that affects the business. The incident can be a disaster or accident, or the incident can be connected to a supply issue, for instance. For this assignment, start by picking a business that interests you. Choose between a marketing message or a “problem message”. Be specific about the product or service you are promoting, or about the “problem” that has occurred or is anticipated to occur. Identify the audience or stakeholders who would be interested in the message. The communication plan will be no less than 6 pages and no more than 15 pages in length. Remember to include all the parts of a communication plan. As a reference, you can take a look at the following helpful resource: 1. What is strategic communication? 2. Five tenets of strategic communication 3. Skills needed in the strategic communication profession Please include the following parts: Title Page: The title page includes the name of the communication plan in bold, your name and student number (Submitted by), date of submission, and the recipient of the white paper (Submitted to). Executive Summary: The Executive Summary is the communication plan in a nutshell. It briefly explains the situation that is being addressed, without detail, and then briefly outlines the parts of the plan. The Summary should be no longer than one page. Stakeholders/Audience: This part explains in detail the audience with whom you will be communicating. Be as detailed as possible when, especially for a marketing strategy. Message or Topic: The message or topic is the content of your messages and what they state. These can be scripts, ads, images, etc. This section does not include how the message will be shared or how frequently. This section is simply the “what” of the communication plan. Communicator: This section states who is delivering the message. In the case of ads or a marketing campaign, state who sends the message out. If there are more than one individual involved in sending the message, name them. Be sure to state the titles of each person. This section is simply the “who” of the communication plan. Schedule or Frequency: This section gives a clear itinerary of the plan. Be precise and specific about the time signals here. This section is simply the “when” of the communication plan. Delivery Method: State the medium that will be used to deliver the message(s). If there are more than one medium, outline them all. Status: This section states what level of importance the message has within the business. In other words, if another incident arises, what happens to this plan? Is it postponed? Does it carry on? Comments: This section serves as a sort of Appendix. If there are some provisos, or some qualifications that need to be made, the state them here. Also, if there are terms that need defining, a glossary can be placed here. Finally, if you received special help in creating the communication plan, then make those acknowledgements here. Visuals: If you have visual messages as part of the communication plan, then place them as close to where you describe the message being sent (in the “Message or Topic” section). Remember to create your own visuals and have them numbered and labeled appropriately. source..
Communication Plan Name Institution Course Professor Date Communication Plan Outline 1 Executive Summary 2 Audience 3 Message 4 Communicator 5 Frequency 6 Delivery Method 7 Status 8 Comments 9 Visuals Executive Summary The business of interest is the provision of public library services by Ex Libris Limited. The marketing message focuses on informing key stakeholders regarding developments and issues in the sector. The main area of discussion is the evolution of library services, where technology has played a significant role in enhancing the provision of services and products and ensuring that users have a chance to access what they desire. The global academic community is depicting a dire need for quality services, which indicates why technology is being adopted at Ex Libris to meet the current market demand.  Ex Libris Limited provides library services that include cloud, professional, and support services. The products include library management, resource sharing, discovery, mobile campus, research services, digital preservation, and course resource lists. The audience of the communication message is the board members, directors, workers in the company, and customers. The news is that technology is the future of the academic world. The company director and marketing manager deliver the message through print and press, social media platforms, and the company website. Further, the message will be delivered for three months once per week. The message's status is to ensure that individuals get to know and understand the essence of adopting recent technological developments in the provision of library services.  Audience The audience of the firm includes Ex Libris Governing Board, public members, non-governmental and governmental organizations, workers, customers, library vendors and suppliers, special interest groups, and philanthropic organizations. Ex Libris Governing Board relates to board members who include directors, government representatives, and ex-officials who are interested in the provision of library services by the company. These individuals are involved in marketing activities, which are formulated and executed by the organization. Thus, they need to be updated on any developments in the company's marketing function. Moreover, technology is a good thing, as depicted by the current advancement levels, which illustrates that these stakeholders will be keen to know the firm's measures to keep up with the current technological development rate.  Workers depict the employees of the company. These individuals deserve to understand how the working environment is changing in the firm to ascertain that they deliver quality services, which can meet the needs and desires of the customers. Further, employees have to understand how systems can assist in improving their productivity output in the organization. Customers identify the group of individuals who make payments to access and use the services that are provided by the firm. The segmentation of the target market for the company also depicts a unique audience. This is because each market segment for the firm has different preferences and desires, which have to be accomplished.  Public members are focused on examining what Ex Libris Limited is doing in the business field. The perception and view of the public affect the brand image and reputation of the company. Hence, these individuals should get information regarding technological developments and the same in the company. Government and non-governmental organizations depict the external parties, which express interest in understanding the firm's ethics and code of conduct. Further, these entities also seek the firm's services and the regulation of marketing activities. A key metric that is used in the evaluation of the performance of the organizations is technology. Therefore, these stakeholders should be at the forefront of getting detailed information regarding the company's technical developments.  Library suppliers and vendors are groups of persons and institutions that ensure that the needed library products and services are availed. Thus, suppliers and vendors have to understand the current library services trends to offer excellent services in society. These suppliers and vendors should also get the message to the know-how technology prevalent in the company affecting the established supply chain and management system. Special interest groups are external parties that focus on accessing the company's services and monitoring the firm's business activities. Philanthropic organizations seek to use library services to engage in activities that include supporting the growth and development of education programs in communities. Therefore, such organizations should be updated regularly regarding technological developments that are experienced in society.  Message            The message that is shared is the key developments and issues related to the sector of public libraries. Ex Libris Limited has the strength of enjoying geographically dispersed memberships, strong links with national library associations, and international networks. These features ensure that the firm can use modern technological developments to expand and attract customers. Technology is improving, which depicts that the library service providers have to utilize all the available resources to leverage technology to achieve optimal outcomes in their performance. Further, it is paramount to use technology as the base of service provision to all customers and stakeholders. The technology should also enhance the management of the global financial climate threat, which negatively affects companies' performance. It means ensuring that there is adequate satisfaction of the competing needs for members in different geographical locations.             Ex Libris has a customer base, which understands the need to use technology to conduct business activities and functions. Therefore, the message aims to ensure that the customers within the organization's target market can develop a positive attitude to the firm. This includes understanding how technology can improve their experience when engaging the company in different business transactions. Furthermore, technology is a vital tool, which enhances the growth and development of the customer base. The mechanism also ensures that the organization can attract new customers and retain the existing ones. Hence, the message on technological development in the organization's library services is paramount in ascertaining that success is achieved.  Communicator            The director will deliver the communication of the company. He will send the message to the audience by providing a summary of the message. The company director is involved in making vital decisions related to marketing activities in the organization. Such includes approving the budgets for investment in areas that include technology. Therefore, the director will highlight how the firm has utilized its financial resources to invest in different sectors. The move entails the measures undertaken to enhance the company's attainment compared to others regarding technology adoption. Further, the director will illustrate what technology has done based on contribution to the firm's growth and development.  The other communicator will be the marketing manager, who has the mandate to engage in market research and provide strategies that the organization should embrace to achieve success. The marketing manager will then deliver the full message to the audience. Both the company director and the marketing manager will deliver the message by dividing it into the two sections of the summary and the main content. Further, the marketing manager will indicate the trends and evolution of the adoption of technology. This involves the way technology has supported the marketing activities of Ex Libris and what it can do to improve the customer base. Furthermore, the marketing manager will indicate how the technology can be integrated into the company's marketing strategy to achieve the set goals and objectives. The information will be based on the evidence that the marketing manager will have gathered from research on technology's impact on organization performance.  Frequency            The frequency of this message will be once per week for three months. The message will be sent on the third day of the week when the audience is expected to pay attention to the communication. The first and the last days of the week are excluded since the audience may exhibit an element of being tired or not concentrating on the communicated message. For the first month, the first week will indicate the changes that have occurred in the library services because of recent technological developments. The second week will illustrate how Ex Libris is adopting the changes in technology in its business activities. The third week will demonstrate the benefits of embracing technology in the provision of library services and products. The fourth week will identify the challenges that are faced in the adoption of technology.            The second month's first week will illustrate how cloud computing is taking over the library service business. The second week will highlight measures that can be adopted to join the cloud. The third week will indicate the possible impacts of cloud-computing in the provision of library services and products. The fourth week will depict how Ex Libris can leverage cloud-computing ...
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