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Communications & Media
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Communication Channels (Essay Sample)

This paper focuses on the different communication channels that can be used in the workplace. It delves into how different communication channels can effectively be used to convey information to others without necessarily losing its integrity. the three main channels covered include face-to-face communication, video chatrooms and use of telephones. source..
Communication Channels Name Institution Course Instructor Due Date Communication Channels Immediate Facial Conversation A face- to-face conversation is one secure method that can be practiced in the workplace as well as other policies that can be enforced in the workplace. Conversations that are handled through facial conduct can be considered more classified and secure as there is no paper trail that is usually left for anyone to follow. In other cases, a conversation can be recorded and a proper scrutiny performed to establish areas in which various improvements need to be done (Suda, 2010). A sense of security can be felt when having face-to-face conversations since each party can observe closely the body language of the other person as well as their facial expressions. Understanding these body languages help one steer the conversation in a more suitable manner. When face-to-face conversations are held, various nonverbal cues can be used maximumly by each person to express how they feel. One can be able to express warmth and sincerity to the other party. However, in digital messages, such cues cannot be used and therefore expressive words are the only ones that can show the appropriate feelings. These phrases convey important hidden messages to the other party. Face-to-face conversation is advantageous as gives one access to non-verbal cues which cannot be found in digital messages and written conversations. It also has instant responses and the clarity as well as the urgency of the message being passed is communicated. It can as well be advantageous in the case of long conversations and misunderstanding from the recipient. There is also no record that can be captured of the facial communications and so the details are hard to preserve. Video Chat room Communications With the advancement of technology and the invention of high speed internet services, institutions have embraced communication using video chats as compared to face-to-face. Video chats are mostly preferred since they are time savers for both parties. They can take place anywhere, anytime as long as all the equipment needed is present. Also, video conversations can be recorded for future references in the case of reviews or clarification. For video chats to be effective, they must first of all be secure. Vulnerabilities if not checked for can lead to the leaking of important information to undesirable parties (Tekle, 2011). This can be very disadvantageous to both parties if the information transacted falls into the wrong hands. Video chats should therefore be done in situations where private internet connectivity is used. Also, the chat rooms being used should only be used by those within a particular institution or organization. This will be able to preserve the confidentiality of the information being passed from one party to the other. Skype, an example of a video chat application that is used by millions of people around the world is an example of a case in which hackers may get hold of confidential information through the infiltration of those communicating in such an application. In many cases, introduction of various layers of encryption will help secure the content of the information as well the files that will be exchanged in conversations in these chat rooms. In various circumstances, to preserve the secrecy of information being exchanged in chat rooms, persons participating in the exchange of information can as well code them in a way in which only the other party will be able to decode it. In this case, if the chat room is infiltrated and the information falls in the wrong hands, it will be hectic for it to be decrypted. Use of Telephones Telephones are devices that permit two or more people who are distant from each other to engage in conversations with each other directly and simultaneously. Telephones have been in use by corporations as well as people for a long period of time. They present their listeners with an advantage of information being passed qu...
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