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3 pages/≈825 words
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Communications & Media
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The essay explores the impact of social media on the youth in general, highlighting both its positive and negative effects. it discusses how social media influences mental health by contributing to anxiety, depression, and low SELF-ESTEEM due to unrealistic comparisons. The essay also examines how social media affects social development, leading to reduced FACE-TO-FACE INTERACTIONS and A rise IN cyberbullying source..
THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON YOUTH NAME INSTITUTION COURSE INSTRUCTOR DATE In today’s world, social media has become a major factor in daily life, and mostly this goes to the youth. Many social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and many others have a major impact on the Youth. These platforms have mainly changed how youths express themselves, communicate with people, and share ideas. Many youths are shifting from electronic media, for example, television, and radio, to social media. This push to social media has led to raising a question regarding its impact on the youth in society, we all agree social media affects people’s lifestyles and this is an ongoing process to identify the impact of this influence in society. Social media has numerous benefits to the youth in society, such as fostering creativity and connecting to various people across the globe. Also, it has significant challenges like influence on mental health, social development, and in general the well-being of a young individual. To start with, social media has enhanced exposure and has created more awareness among the youth by allowing them to access large amounts of information and diverse perspectives around the world. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok allow the youth to access information on current events, social global issues, and many other global trends. This kind of exposure helps them to develop a broader understanding of the world. Social media serves as a powerful tool for self-expression, it allows the youth to show their creativity, share their thoughts, and connect with others like them. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and blogs allow young people to express themselves, through various ways like art, music, writing, and video content. This allows the youth to show their opinions on topics they all care about, from social issues to personal experiences. Social media platforms like Instagram, Myspace, and Facebook offer chances to meet and connect with new people, connect with your classmates, and people with shared interests. These platforms allow people to connect from anywhere, breaking down geographical barriers. Young people also meet new people who share the same hobbies, the same interests, or the same professional goals by joining groups, following hashtags, or participating in online communities. There is improvement in healthcare among the youth, such as increased medication adherence. This has been brought about by mobile technologies that young people use daily, namely smartphones, instant messaging, and text messaging. Social media has enhanced the youth’s education. It has provided the youths with important tools and resources that support learning and academic development. Social media provides young people with educational content, for example, platforms like YouTube offer educational videos and tutorials on various subjective matters, like mathematics and science. Social media also gives room for collaborative learning where it allowing students to engage with their peers through various platforms like Zoom and Google Meet. Social media has a wide range of negative impacts like cyberbullying and online harassment. This issue can cause severe consequences for young people who are still developing coping mechanisms and social skills. Social media provides room for anonymous and semi-anonymous individuals who tend to target others with negative comments, also spreading rumors, or posting embarrassing content about others. Some of these anonymous and semi-anonymous individuals have abusive behavior, like stalking, threats, and sharing private or sensitive ...
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