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Creative Writing
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Effect of Changing Demographics on Group Dynamics (Essay Sample)

This sample paper highlights the effects of changing demographics on group dynamics. It highlights how a team's focus can be affectd by its demographics. The difference between men and women in a group has been highlighed based on their contributions. It also explains how while women love progress, men prefer to establish a chain of command source..
Effect of Changing Demographics on Group Dynamics Name Institution Course InstructorDue Date Effect of Changing Demographics on Group Dynamics A team’s focus is most likely to be affected by the changes in group’s gender. Each gender has different ideologies as well as ways of operation. Unlike women whose main focus is progress, men within the group or team are most likely to care much about the role that they play within the group since they have the tendency to establish a chain of command amongst themselves (Klein, 2008). This in turn helps them gain leadership skills that will comfortably use when entrusted with prominent positions. Also, the nature of progress displayed by women earns them the necessary skills that can be effective when it comes to achievements of goals. Their abilities to ensure progress takes place will also earn them high progressive positions within the organizations even when they had never really been there before. Group dynamics is also affected greatly by the demographic of age. Understanding increases greatly with the age gap in a group or team. As people age in the workforce, their experiences acquired gets to increase considerably. They get to understand entirely how the organization needs to be run and how what is required by each member in the workforce (Rizzo, 2008). Their gained knowledge is beneficial to the various workforce groups in which they are in in that these groups are able to display the knowledge that they have gained throughout the years in the development of the or...
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