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How to Create an Effective Study Space (Essay Sample)

the topic was How to Create an Effective Study Space. it only required a paragraph in which i explain step by step WAYS OF CREATING STUDY SPACE. The first step is choosing the area for study. Organization includes placing strategically office supplies like writing paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, markers, an eraser, and highlighters to make the work easier. Others include calculators, drawing implements, and music manuscripts. source..
How to Create an Effective Study Space Name Institution Date How to Create an Effective Study Space The first step is choosing the area for study. A decent study area needs to meet a few prerequisites. It requires a desk or table, a chair, a supply of electricity, a working internet connection, and a good light source like a desk lamp or strategically placed ceiling lights. For the comfort while studying, the environment should be cold or warm enough. Organization includes placing strategically office supplies like writing paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, markers, an eraser, and highlighters to make the work easier. Others include calculators, drawing implements, and music manuscripts. Personalize it by adding pictures, motivational quotes, reminders, paintings to the study area can inspire and help one stay focused. Limiting noise and other distractions by ...
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