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What would you do to End Corruption in Your Country? Creative Essay (Essay Sample)


writing an essay with approaches on What to do to End Corruption in my Country?


What would you do to End Corruption in Your Country?
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What would you do to End Corruption in Your Country?
Everyone in my country agrees that corruption is a social menace whose effects are devastating, yet no one takes the necessary measures to eradicate it. I have been a victim of this practice on several occasions, especially when seeking government services. In fact, nearly every relative and friend I know has had an unpleasant experience with government officials. The police and other state agents demand bribes even in instances where citizens should be served freely. As a result, my country is on the verge of collapse since only a few departments uphold integrity. Considering the loss and victimization that I have suffered due to corruption, I would curb it by reforming the current public administration policies, ending impunity among leaders, and promoting openness in every department.
I would start by ordering an overhaul of the public administration policies, which perpetuate corruption. My country has well-intended laws, but they hardly achieve the expected outcomes. Instead, they provide an avenue for embezzlement to thrive. Firstly, my new laws would focus on the automation of essential services since the demand for cash payments exacerbates the trend. Secondly, I would replace the legal processes that give judges the prerogative of setting fines in court cases with specific guidelines that every citizen understands. Thirdly, no budget in the counties would be debated or approved without the direct participation of all constituents. The changes would empower citizens to play an instrumental role in the eradication of corruption.

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