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Cognitive Characteristics Affecting the Gifted (Essay Sample)

1. Describe the historical, national, and Florida state definitions of the gifted student. 2. Explain the current criteria for gifted eligibility and placement. 3. Write an expository essay on the affective and cognitive characteristics that affect the gifted according to various antecedents or "backgrounds". source..
Cognitive Characteristics Affecting the Gifted Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Cognitive Characteristics Affecting the Gifted Learning institutions have the responsibility of offering quality academic instruction to students. Frequently, the learning process differs from student to student, whereby each student has different comprehension levels of the various topics taught. There are usually students who are fast learners, whereas there are those who are slow to understand different taught topics. Students who quickly comprehend different topics as compared to others are frequently referred to as gifted students. This paper will analyze various elements associated with gifted students regarding their placement and eligibility while investigating affective and cognitive characteristics that affect the gifted according to background. Notably, there are different descriptions of gifted students. Historically, gifted students are described as individuals with superior intelligence and various traits frequently accompanied by superior intelligence. Moreover, it is stated that a student with a 130 IQ and above is qualified to be described as a gifted student. Alternatively, the national definition of gifted students is individuals with the ability to perform at an advanced level compared to individuals of similar environment, age, and experience in one or more fields. Lastly, the state of Florida describes gifted students as students with superior intellectual growth and capable of high performance (Wiley, 2020). The different descriptions are essential for better understanding gifted students. Various components are usually considered for a gifted student’s eligibility and placement. The criteria of gifted eligibility and placement comprise various considered elements whereby the screening of gifted students uses the following criteria. One should have high academic performance by attaining 89 percentile or higher in standardized tests. Additionally, one should attain above-average creative output in scientific, artistic, mathematics, or literary endeavors and have a quick learning rate (Peperkorn & Wegner, 2020). A gifted student should have numerous teachers’ nominations who observe unique talent, and one should have impeccable creative, academic, or leadership abilities. Another criterion is parents’ reports of progressive developmental behavior such as verbal precocity, early reading, utilization of intricate syntax, or indication of mechanical aptitude. This is the present criteria for gifted eligibility and placement. One of the notable affective and cognitive characteristics that affect the gifted regarding background is family environment. It is identified that there is a variance in perceived parental attitude between peers and gifted students. Keenly, parental attitude is a critical factor for the development of children, and it has been identified that a democratic attitude is the most appropriate for gifted children. A democratic and tolerant parental attitude positively affects children’s academic success and cognitive growth (Yildiz & Altay, 2021). However, permissive and authoritarian attitudes adversely affect children’s mental development and well-being and contribute greatly to anxiety and depression. Research reveals respectful and supportive family environments for gifted children positively impact the development of interpersonal skills and contribute to the children’s relationship with peers, mitigating emotional challenges and enhancing motivation. Peer interaction is another affective and cognitive characteristic that affects the gifted based on background. It was noted that social relation indifference was present in fewer children, which caused emotional problems to be witnessed. Due to the various problems, gifted individuals tend to withdraw from social interactions and dedicate more time to introverted activities. Gifted children usually maintain a positive, favorable view of themselves. However, their confidence concerning intellectual abilities surpasses that of social aptitudes. Further research reveals that gifted children who are aware of their differences from other non-gifted children revealed that compared to the rest of the gifted, they had few friends who were younger or older than themselves. To develop their intellectual gift, gifted children tend to have a minimum of successful communication with individuals around them (Grugan et al., 2021). They believe interpersonal relations attract attention as they repre...
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