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Urban Studies Lesson Plan (Essay Sample)

The assignment required the development of a high school lesson plan for an urban studies class. The lesson plan stipulated that it should include hands on activity in the lesson. The topic is social issues in urban areas - community development and social programs. The plan would provide a detailed guidance for the teacher on how to conduct the lesson on the identified topic. source..
Urban Studies Lesson Plan Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Urban Studies Lesson Plan Urban Studies Lesson Plan: 10/31/2023 Objectives Develop an understanding of social issues in urban areas, community development, and social programs. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the various principles used in community development programs. Comprehension of the diverse principles will be fundamental to developing actionable community development and social programs. To provide insight into the importance of community development and social programs toward addressing social issues in urban areas. Identify different examples of community development and social programs that can easily be implemented in the community. Identify the diverse significance of community development projects and social programs (Winston, 2022). Determine the various procedures that would be utilized in conducting a community development and social program in one’s locality. Identify the desired and expected outcomes of community development and social programs. Guide when to use community development and social programs. Time: 45 minutes Materials Laptop with internet connectivity, projector, charts, relevant textbooks Procedure Introduce the topic to be taught to the students with a brief description. After the introduction is finalized, expectations are written down. For each procedure during the class, the student must comprehend what is expected and how to perform every procedure correctly. The various procedures will be described explicitly. Ask the students about their initial understanding of social issues in urban areas, community development, and social programs. Allow the students to brainstorm within small groups, and after a few minutes, provide them with a comprehensive definition of social issues in urban areas and community development and social programs (Todd & Drolet, 2020). A social issue is a state of affairs that destructively affects the social or personal lives of people or the well-being of civilizations or more significant groups within a society and about which there is typically community disagreement as to its causes, nature, or solution. Define community development and social programs, which allow the community to take cooperative action on challenges critical to them. After providing a definition, request the students to brainstorm further the different principles that are utilized in community development programs. Different groups would provide their answers. After all the groups have provided their different answers, please provide them with additional principles, which would be in a presentation on the laptop. One of the students will assist with the presentation of the principles, which include community participation, empowerment, ownership and involvement, networking, equal opportunities and access, rethinking, learning, and advocacy (Talmage, 2021). Further discussion of the presented principles is done while students take necessary notes. Students will be requested to state the importance of community development and social programs in addressing social issues in urban areas. Students will be permitted to respond to the question by providing individual answers. After a few answers have been submitted, various additional significances of community development and social programs will be provided, which will include attaining the needs of the community, establishing a foundation for economic development, achieving long term development, enhancing access to resources, providing a sense of inclusion, empowering citizens to exercise their rights, and addressing the original cause of issues (Gilchrist, 2019). The students will be asked to state the various procedures utilized in conducting a community de...
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